Hairy Bulbmin

From Pikmin Fanon
Hairy Bulbmin
Parasitic Pikmin host
Family Grub-dog

The Hairy Bulbmin is a grub-dog infected by a parasitic Pikmin.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Hairy Bulbmin.

In Pikmin: Shadows of the Future

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Pikmin: Shadows of the Future
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Shadows of the Future, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
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Hairy Bulbmin (adult) The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Parasiticus pikminicus haricus
Family Grub-dog
Carry weight 7
Max. carriers 14
Attacks Eats Pikmin, causes panic
Snow Bulbmin (juvenile) The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Resistance Fire, water, electricity, poison
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

The Hairy Bulbmin appears in Pikmin: Shadows of the Future as a young Hairy Bulborb that is being controlled by the same parasitic Pikmin that controls Bulbmin. It roams the area, with five little Snow Bulbmin following it. It attacks just like normal Bulbmin, by eating Pikmin, but when it reaches half-health, its hairs shoot off of it, causing them to start panicking. This makes the Hairy Bulbmin a rather annoying foe to fight. When defeated, the five Snow Bulbmin can be recruited into the Pikmin squad.

User versions

Below this point is where users place their version of the Hairy Bulbmin.

Panda python42’s version

See: User:Panda python42
Hairy Bulbmin (adult) The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Parasiticus pikminicus
Family Grub-dog
Carry weight 7
Max. carriers 14
Attacks Eats Pikmin
Snow Bulbmin (juvenile) The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Resistance Fire, water, electricity, poison, ice, crushing
Attack Above-average
Mobility Below-average
Throw Below-average
Digging speed Above-average
Carrying capacity 2
Candypop None

The Hairy Bulbmin is the host of a parasitic Pikmin that has taken over a dwarf species of the Hairy Bulborb. roaming through snowy caverns, they search around until they spot prey to devour.

successfully defeating one gives you their offspring, which are extremely useful with their extra carrying, many elemental immunities, and being able to survive being crushed once, their hair serves as a cushion, and they lose it after the first squish, however, they are slower due to their extra bulk.

Hairy Bulbmin resemble your standard Hairy Bulborb, but with a blueish stem sprouting from their spines, their children have hair, due to developing faster than standard bulborbs.

The most efficient way to take down a angry Hairy Bulbmin mother, is to throw Pikmin onto its back as it has less health than a standard bulborb, the best types to throw are Rock Pikmin, and Purple Pikmin due to their throwing benefits.


Olimar's notes

Fascinating specimens! it appears that parasitic Pikmin can infect other Grub-dog species also, I wonder what’s the limit to this parasitism? how big of a creature can they infect? more research must be conducted later.

Louie’s notes

Remove stem, and grind the leaf into bits, take the eyes out of the sockets, and grill them with any sauces of your choice. dry the youngsters out for a day after skinning, and fold the meat into meatballs, soak the meatballs in any spaghetti sauce you’re comfortable with. As soon as the eyes are done grilling, put onions, cheese, tomatoes, buns, the grind up leaf, and dash of salt. and you have created yourself a five star beast burger with a side of meatballs with plenty of leftovers!