Carnivorous Candypop Bud

From Pikmin Fanon
This article is inspired by unused content in one of the official games. To learn more about its origins, see here.
Carnivorous Candypop Bud The icon used to represent this plant or fungus.
P3 Carnivorous Candypop Bud open.png
Appearance in Pikmin 3, petals open.
Family Candypop (assumed)

The Carnivorous Candypop Bud is a species of candypop that eats, or otherwise kills, Pikmin thrown into it. Its petals, which each have a large, black, curved, sharp tip at their end, are initially purple but transition smoothly to a white color upon opening.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Carnivorous Candypop Bud.

In Pikmin 2... Again?

What if it was another story...?
This article or section pertains to Pikmin 2... Again?, a fanon game created by Blower Pot.
Carnivorous Candypop Bud Vegetation icon.png
Scientific name Flora maliciosa
Family Candypop
Hazards Explosion icon.png
Miscellaneous information
Internal name Evilbud (Evil Candypop Bud)
(Kaboom Candypop Bud)
(Suspicious Candypop Bud)
(Bud Budpop Bud)

The Evil Candypop Bud is a species of candypop bud appearing in Pikmin 2... Again?, added in The Amazing New Update!!'s Mission Infinite. The Evil Candypop Bud is a white candypop bud resembling the Ivory Candypop Bud, but its petals are skeletal, end in black, claw-like tips, and have five green leaves on its base. When Pikmin are thrown into an Evil Candypop Bud, it'll close up as if to eject seeds, but kill those Pikmin instead. There is no limit to the amount of Pikmin that can be thrown in.

The Kaboom Candypop Bud is a variant of the Evil Candypop Bud that looks more like other candypop buds, but is light-yellow, like a Walking Golden Pikpik Carrot. When Pikmin are thrown into it and it closes, it'll explode, destroying itself, the Pikmin inside it, and anything around itself in the process.

The Suspicious Candypop Bud is another variant of Evil Candypop Bud. It resembles the rest but is tan, similar to Bulbmin. When Pikmin are thrown into it and it closes, the game will crash. Coming to Gerald right before it crashes will cause him to say "Oh my gosh!!".

The Bud Budpop Bud is the fourth and last variant of Evil Candypop Bud, but the least harmful. It is lime-colored, similar to the Glow Pikmin. When Pikmin are thrown into it, it'll close and eject three smaller versions of itself rather than Pikmin seeds. The smaller duplicates will also eject smaller versions of themselves as Pikmin are thrown into them, meaning they can be duplicated until no more Pikmin are available to use.

The main purpose of Evil Candypop Buds is to fool the player into using them, and notably, all of the variants of Evil Candypop Buds are for Pikmin types without their own candypop bud.

In Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator

Nuvola warning.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
Nuvola warning.png
Carnivorous Candypop Bud The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Candypop
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Carnivorous Candypop Bud is deceitful candypop bud that appears in Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator. While it may take the guise of any species of candypop bud, it does not convert Pikmin into other kinds of Pikmin; it instead swallows and ingests any that are thrown into it. Carnivorous Candypop Buds may even be of colors corresponding to Pikmin not yet discovered, potentially fooling inexperienced leaders into throwing members of their squads into them. To make matters worse, they may sometimes be located beside true candypop buds, which must be used to quickly solve a timed puzzle. Swarming a Carnivorous Candypop Bud will force it to reveal its true form, it struggling and then unearthing itself to waddle in no particular direction, using the leaves around its base to move. Throwing Pikmin at one of the detrimental flowers to harm it is ill-advised as doing so will only result in Pikmin deaths.