Swordmaster Knightivlet

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Swordmaster Knightivlet
Family Excalivlet

The Swordmaster Knightivlet is a species of excalivlet that resembles a medieval knight, being protected by armor and wielding a sword and shield.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Swordmaster Knightivlet.

In Pikmin: Dual Worlds

Duality: an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects, a dualism.
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Dual Worlds, a fangame created by MintyMoron64.
Swordmaster Knightivlet The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Excaunguibus basileus
Family Excalivlet
Caves Slice Citadel
Challenge Mode stages Rift, Bosses
Carry weight N/A
Attacks Stabs, crushes, throws, and depetals Pikmin, causes panic, throws rocks, causes sand to fall

The Swordmaster Knightivlet is an incredibly powerful excalivlet in Pikmin: Dual Worlds that appears alongside the Scorching Draconamite, which it serves as the caretaker and master of, as the two bosses of Slice Citadel. It uses a large tooth of the Scorching Draconamite as a sword and can also use a pair of Shortsword Knightivlet's nails as dual blades. It also wields a shield covered in the Scorching Draconamite's shed scales to protect itself. It often rides on its pet using a saddle, which happens to be connected to plated armor protecting its mount's soft underbelly by straps. Despite the Scorching Draconamite's large size, it has less vitality than the Swordmaster Knightivlet; this is due to its scales being softer and less tough than the Swordmaster Knightivlet's armor, even on the Knightivlet's back, where it isn't protected by a metallic mask. The battle against the Swordmaster Knightivlet and Scorching Draconamite is the only one that does not need a dose of ultra-sweet spray to reexperience. The pair's arena is underground, below and a bit north of the main area of Slice Citadel. Their arena is circular, with walls made of stones, and the room is very tall. At the top of the room, there is a hole leading to the surface of the Citadel's grounds, featuring a large, open-air arena. This arena can be accessed from the dungeons below by a series of long, winding staircases going around the stone walls of the room and several wooden walkways out into the room itself, which have to be lowered from a position of standing up not dissimilarly to a drawbridge in order to walk across. Entering the dungeon arena can be done by passing through a gate, which closes behind the leaders and Pikmin upon challenging the pair. Similarly, on the outside of the dungeon arena, a gate leading to the stairs can be found, which only opens upon defeating the second phase of the pair's fight. A wooden wall behind the arena gate closes off the path back to the dungeons, presumably to stop the spread of any sand to the rest of the keep.

In the first phase of the battle, it tends to charge at Pikmin, slicing at them and blocking all attacks with its shield. It can also kick Pikmin around and depetaling them, and crush them with its shield. It also may leap onto crystal spines created by the Scorching Draconamite, and leap onto its back to escape harm. It may, at times, cling to the walls of its arena to evade attacks or to attack from a distance using its large sword. It tends to attack quickly and may attempt to directly assault leaders. It can remove stones from the walls of the arena to throw at Pikmin, changing the terrain for a time, as it eventually places the stone back into the wall. It can also drag its sword along the ground, causing Pikmin to panic, as well as somewhat obscuring vision until the dust settles.

Phase two begins when either the Swordmaster Knightivlet's health reaches three-fourths, or the Scorching Draconomite's armor is removed by damaging the leather straps attaching it to the saddle. If the Swordmaster Knightivlet is harmed, the Scorching Draconamite uses more powerful attacks; conversely, if the armor is removed, the Swordmaster Knightivlet gets faster. In both circumstances, the method used causes the other to become more dangerous, and the duo uses attacks that tend to force a confrontation with the angered one instead of the one that was open to attack. If the Scorching Draconamite's armor is removed, the beast avoids the leaders and Pikmin and sets up traps while attempting to force its aggressors into the general area of the Swordmaster Knightivlet, which is much faster and tends to attack more fiercely than before. The Knightivlet may yell upwards towards the ceiling of the arena, causing bundles of sand to fall, crushing any Pikmin caught beneath it, and changing the terrain. It also has the Draconamite throw a crystal spine at it, which it catches, shatters, and then proceeds to throw the shards of at Pikmin. It throws rocks at Pikmin often and can charge through piles of sand while holding its shield in front of it at an angle such that the sand slides over the top. It may grab Pikmin if it is close enough, and will proceed to throw them at other Pikmin, resulting in at least one Pikmin's death and up to three if the attack connects. It may even use its shield to slide down piles of sand at high speed, crushing any Pikmin in the way and causing panic to nearby Pikmin.

At the end of phase two, which is reached by reducing the health of either the Knightivlet to one-quarter or the Draconamite to half, the Swordmaster Knightivlet leaps onto the Draconamite's foremost crystal spine, and the pair take to the air, flying to the top of the room. Due to the arena being underground, the duo ends up on the surface, in a literal open-air arena. After the pair does so, the room begins to fill with sand, which pours from six holes in the walls at the top of the chamber. The two gates open up, and the leaders and Pikmin must ascend the incredibly long staircase, at times avoiding holes in the staircase, crossing from one end of the room to the other using the wooden walkways, and sometimes throwing Pikmin to have them clear paths to progress through the winding passages. As the top is neared, the pair may take to burning walkways, throwing crystals into the path, collapsing parts of the staircase to prevent going back, covering sections in oil, and generally being a nuisance. Helpful data files on the pair are present during the climb and can be collected by throwing Pikmin to the ledges they are on. Pikmin will carry the data file they were thrown to up a staircase that happens to be otherwise disconnected from the room, preventing them from being stranded. The top of the staircase leads out of the main chamber and into a separate room that is connected to each of the data file staircases. The sand, while not getting any higher, will block access into the large room. The small room is also connected, by yet another staircase, to a gate that happens to lead to the large, aboveground arena. This room allows some time to rest before continuing the battle against the Knightivlet and Draconamite.

After spending a few minutes within this room, a friendly, unarmed Knightivlet in a garb resembling those of other servants throughout the fortress may open a door near the back of the room, bringing some nectar, or by rare chance ultra-spicy nectar, on a small wooden platter. The door may be knocked on by hitting it while without Pikmin, prompting the Knightivlet to open it and allow passage. Beyond the door is a staircase leading to a balcony in the main room that can only be accessed from there and can be jumped down from. This is the only opportunity to leave before phase three is initiated. Upon the next visit, battles against knightivlets and the pair will be much more difficult, but treasures will be retained.

Phase three begins when the Swordmaster Knightivlet and Scorching Draconomite are attacked. Once challenged again, the Scorching Draconamite flaps its wings at its aggressors, sending them and lots of sand flying across to the opposite end of the arena. The crowds cheer for their champions, and the battle recommences with the Swordmaster Knightivlet immediately being thrown at Pikmin and leaders by the Draconamite, brandishing its crystal-coated sword and slamming it into the ground, sending shards everywhere, including a few into gaps in its arm and leg armor, yet dealing little damage, swapping its sword with its dual blades and charging at Pikmin and leaders if they manage to evade this deadly attack. It again trades these for its larger sword and swings it in circles, moving towards Pikmin and leaders at the same time. The Draconamite throws three crystal spines at it, in turn sending three volleys of large crystal shards at them at a high speed, one after the other. The ground on the outer edges of the arena is coated in a thick layer of oil and set on fire by the Draconamite while this happens. A large number of rocks are thrown into the center of the arena from above the raging fires by the Knightivlet after its attack is complete. These are soon after grabbed by the Draconamite and dropped from above at random while the Knightivlet continues the assault. Eventually, the Knightivlet will slow down its attacks and the Draconamite will drop down, crushing any Pikmin beneath it, and supply more oil to the now dwindling fires. After this, it will swing its tail around itself, which must be dodged by getting close to it. The Knightivlet leaps atop its head and points its sword at Pikmin and leaders while making a yelling sound. The real battle begins.

Phase four features somewhat more difficult variations of all prior attacks, including those from both versions of phase two, save the ones featuring falling sand. A ring of fire encircles the arena for the duration of the phase unless the Scorching Draconamite is disturbed while adding more oil to it. The more the Swordmaster Knightivlet is damaged, the more the Draconamite adds oil inside the ring, allowing it to slowly close in. The more the Draconamite is damaged, the more the Knightivlet attempts to grab leaders and throw them into the fire surrounding the arena, where they will quickly be knocked out unless the grab is wriggled out of. The Knightivlet may have the Draconamite coat its swords in oil and proceed to put them into the fire, making its attacks leave a flaming trail of oil on the ground, not to mention send fire in the direction of the swings. The Draconamite, in turn, often perches atop the stands and breathes fire from outside the arena. It may grab the Knightivlet if it attempts a particularly risky attack, placing it outside the arena to attack alone for a time. It may also drop small amounts of oil in lines from one side of the arena to another to divide it for a time. The Knightivlet can bypass these divides by sliding through the fires on its shield, though it tends to attack slower afterward. If the Draconamite is defeated entirely, it leaves the arena. After this, the Knightivlet shouts something at it, presumably so it hears over the roaring fire, and the Draconamite throws two crystal spines at it. It catches these spines with its twin blades and in turn throws its large sword up at the Draconamite, which is caught in its teeth and placed on its back. The two crystal-covered blades are then spun around at a high speed by the Knightivlet, sending shards flying around the arena at high speeds. Once it runs out of shards, it shouts at the Draconamite and the large sword, embedded in a very large spine, is thrown at it. Meanwhile, the smaller swords are also thrown at the Swordmaster's targets. The Knightivlet catches the large sword, and slings chunks of crystal at Pikmin and leaders, finally leaping into the air and slamming the sword into the ground where you were standing and likely dodged. It concedes after this point, and the pair are considered to be defeated.

The two, upon defeat, have some other Knightivlets put out the fire, as well as allow safe passage through the fortress, and any Knightivlets and tamed flugitiles encountered outside the fortress will not fight Pikmin and leaders unless challenged. They also open all gates that had been closed before, aside from those barring access to inaccessible rooms, meaning it is possible to progress to the last few rooms of the dungeon. In the final room of the dungeon, there is a boss treasure. A fruit can also be found there, as well as a 50-pellet.


Olimar's notes

This excalivlet seems to have formed a strong bond with its pet, and they attack together as if they know what the other is thinking. I noticed that my Pikmin almost seemed to taunt the pair of them, and the two only battled me when I challenged them. It wields a shield made from its pet's shed scales and a sword made from what seems to be one of the shed wing claws of its pet. When its mount was harmed, it became enraged. They relented after we defeated them, and allowed us safe passage through the area.

Louie's notes

I wanted to find out if this castle has a kitchen, but Olimar didn't trust me around the locals and wouldn't let me. Just like the creatures of this planet, he's getting smarter.

Alph's notes

Structural flaw: back has weaker armor. Weight: Unknown. This powerful fighter appears to use just about anything as a weapon, from swords to claws to even the terrain itself. I went back to the rooms we fought it and its pet in after defeating them, and noticed several large stone channels near the top of the deeper one. There were stone blocks with handles on them in grooves near where they connected to the wall, as well as wooden walkways allowing access to each from a passageway leading elsewhere in the citadel. It appears that these were used to get sand into the room safely and quickly. I also saw some sort of grate at the bottom of the pit. I'd assume that beneath this grate is a large, empty room containing a sort of removable floor allowing for the sand to be drained out and eventually moved back to where it is usually kept. The Knightivlet also embedded its swords in the still-forming crystal spines of its mount, making dangerous blunt weapons that it swung around with ease, even spinning around rapidly and throwing shards everywhere. I couldn't build something so adaptable if I tried.

Brittany's notes

This thing is tough beyond belief! I saw a huge bed made of straw, but no smaller bed. I have concluded that it sleeps next to its pet. Maybe it's all soft and cuddly when it thinks nobody is around.

Charlie's notes

This excalivlet is an incredible warrior! It seems almost indefatigable! It clearly never skips leg day, or any other for that matter. Now that we seem to be friends with them, I'd say that the Pikmin will be in good hands when we eventually leave. I'd say that the best strategy for dealing with these two is to make copious use of your Dodge Whistle.