Pikmin: Ultimate Doom

From Pikmin Fanon
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WraithOmniverseLogo.pngUltimate Doom
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Ultimate Doom, a fanon game created by Zoadra.

Template:Infobox Game

Pikmin: Ultimate Doom is the conclusion to the Buildup Trilogy. The release date is currently TBA, the team being in prolonged development.


Opening Cinematic

The familiar sounds of burning chemicals fills the desert air as the Dolphin Mk II descends to the barren Hocotate soil. Olimar’s wife, watching from her window, is filled with joy, as she knows her husband is safe. Olimar pulls down the thrust lever and turns off the ignition, safely hitting the landing zone. He hits the red switch labeled ‘eject’ and Olimar’s windshield flings open. Olimar’s assistant, Louie, follows through and ejects himself as well. They both land on their native ground, as content as ever. Louie brushes himself off while Olimar grabs a handful of the familiar sand that dominates his home planet. Louie receives a visor page, signaling him back to Hocotate Freight’s shipyards. They say their farewells; Olimar giving his friend a thumbs up. Louie nods and rushes to his low-paying job. Olimar, alone, scans the horizon until he notices his hometown. He begins his trek back to his house after removing his gleaming plexiglass helmet.

New Beginnings

Olimar arrives in Hearthtown, a humble little homestead that consists of his house and four other families. He reunites with his family, enjoying each one’s time as much as possible. But, of course, duty calls. His helmet gets a page requesting his presence in the Hocotate Freight Shipyards. He says goodbye once again and gives his dog Bulbie one last pet. Dashing out the door, he heads back through Hero Flats toward his job.

Once he arrives at the location, Olimar and Louie greet each other. The only thing they notice is a rather large ship. President approaches from behind the ship and begins to speak. “Behold! This is a Trailblazer-class Warship! This baby is fully equipped for combat, exploration, and of course, valuable item finding. You two need to get back to the Distant planet to complete some new tasks we have. First task: clean the surface of treasures. Second task: clear out the underground caverns of all plague and infection. When you get back, you both will get double raises! Good luck, and happy hunting!” President gives a big greedy smile as Olimar and Louie exchange glances. Adventurous music begins to play as the two are pulled up into the Trailblazer’s hull by a tractor beam. Olimar and Louie put their helmets on and ignite the ship’s systems, revving up the engines. Plasma wisps begin to stream out of the four chrome boosters as they lift off into the thin Hocotate atmosphere. Olimar looks back at Hearthtown while his wife looks up at the sky, forming a poetic connection immediately before breaking the sound barrier. They enter the planet’s exosphere as their trans-light engine roars, carrying them into the cosmos.

Times Have Changed

The Trailblazer finally approaches the Distant planet and Hocotate Space Station. The space station is almost three times larger than the Trailblazer, and so they dock together. Olimar sends Louie out into the space station to check in, and he finds a massive group of robed Hocotanians surrounding an object with a cover on it. Louie curiously wanders over to the group only to be stopped by a walking mech. It is twice Louie’s size, and has a Hocotanian pilot. The pilot lowers his steel visor and spoke. “Welcome to Distant planet’s one and only space station. I assume that you are here on business with Commander Olimar, no? In that case, just sign this digipad and be on your way! And don’t get to nosy around here, okay?” The man nods and the mech’s legs pounds and clanks away. Louie scratches his head, signs the pad, and quickly returns to Olimar. Soon they have the coordinates to the first landing zone and the Trailblazer un-anchors with the space station and blasts down to the surface of the planet.

Olimar notes immediately that the Trailblazer’s autopilot corrects its course and lands very smoothly. Olimar rotates a metal bar and pushes it in, lowering down a high-tech new helmet to his head. Louie follows suit, receiving an aesthetically different version of the helmet. Their new space suits are fitted onto their bodies by mechanical arms, locking it down. The new space suits resemble battle armor, notes Olimar as he gets up out of his cockpit. He grabs a leather journal and puts it into his backpack, fitting it on perfectly. They lower the boarding ramp and exit the ship, taking in the atmosphere. Louie’s eyes seem to pop out under his tinted visor. Olimar sighs and adjusts the lighting on his visor. All around them is a massive valley of burned plant life, piles of broken bones, hundreds of maggot-like insects, soot falling everywhere, and an orange sky. Olimar trudges down off the Trailblazer’s boarding ramp and picks up a big four-leafed clover. An ash falls on it, silently burning and desinigrating it into nothing. Olimar clenches his now-cloverless fist and signals Louie that there is work to do indeed.

Continue Story


Olimar and Louie dock with the space station once again. But this time the Red Onion hovers to a landing pad, and it retracts to inside the space station. Olimar and Louie quickly get out of the Trailblazer and rush through the crowds of Hocotanians. A white lab-coated person is holding a Red Pikmin inside a glass habitat-case. Olimar makes an angry noise. He angrily takes his helmet off and for the first time actually speaks. His voice is experienced and old, professional and adventurous. “What do you think you are doing?” Olimar grasps his helmet.

“Hmm? Oh, it’s you, Commander Olimar. I am just taking this here specimen. I need to test it for a complete analysi-” Olimar frowns. “I do not approve of this. As the Commander of Pikmin Relations, I order you to put it back inside the Onion.” Olimar hands his helmet to Louie. “I’m afraid I can not do that, Olimar. It’s only a mere specimen! I’d understand you better if I confiscated an entire colony. Now then, please let me be on my way.” The grey haired scientist’s coat flaps against Olimar as he turns away. Olimar sighs and takes his helmet back. He sits down with Louie at the edge of the room, near the airlock with the Onion. “They just don’t understand. We have been using these Pikmin as tools to gain money and power. Now that we have advanced in ways we can't fathom, they are still mistreating the Pikmin. And we, that’s right, we, are the ones who have to watch the Pikmin die in battle for that!” Olimar closes his eyes, head down, and puts his helmet on. Louie looks away and shakes his head, staring at the Red Onion surrounded by scientists and machines.

Areas, Caves, and Dungeons

The first three areas on Distant Planet are above ground, and the last three are underground. All of the areas on Duron are above ground. There are twelve main areas in all.

Caves and Dungeons are virtually the same, but all Dungeons are harder than caves.

Pikmin Planet Areas

  1. Decomposing Citadel
    1. The Basement
    2. Dead Den
    3. Parasite Pit
    4. Titan's Denizen
  2. Crystal Falls
    1. Grub-Dog Pit
    2. Hole of Glitter
    3. Treacherous Complex
    4. Perilous Cavern
  3. Sand Fortress
    1. Watery Catacombs
    2. Dune Gulch
    3. Dark Kingdom
    4. Aquatic Nest
  4. Subatomic Scaffolding
    1. Dark Circuit Maze
    2. Vent Labyrinth
  5. Analog Dimension
    1. Virus Paradise
    2. Hard Drive Den
  6. Rust Factory
    1. Molten Mezzanine
    2. Hot Hemorrhage

Duron Areas

  1. Sticky Citadel
    1. Glutinous Gulch
  2. Chemical Lake
    1. Acid Cave
  3. Deathbone Desert
    1. Subsand Abyss
  4. Snowy Highlands
    1. Snowbound Den
  5. Volatile Minefield
    1. Abandoned Mine
  6. Dark Moon
    1. Kryptonite Crater

Area Previews

Hocotate Areas

  1. Hocotate Streets

Netherspace Areas

  1. Antimatter Well

Pikmin Variants

List of Pikmin in the game:


Pikmin: Ultimate Doom's gameplay engine is almost the same as Pikmin 2 with a few changes. Mainly the physics, graphics and aesthetics are updated.


There is a variety of enemies in Pikmin: Ultimate Doom. The game's "Piklopedia" is called the Enemy Database.

Story Mode

New time system

There are new time systems, but it only applies to aboveground levels. Each quarter of the day is four real time minutes, making 16 real minutes in a 'Pikmin: Ultimate Doom' day.

  • In the first quarter of the day it is morning. Morning consists of a brighter atmosphere, a more upbeat version of the level's music plays and some morning-dwelling enemies come out at this time.
  • In the second quarter of the day it is noon. At noon, the sun is usually somewhere in the center of the sky, and heat waves can be seen in the distance. It is more likely for random things to catch on fire, such as a block of wood, causing a field to catch on fire, making a huge hazard for the player and his/her non Red Pikmin. Also a normal version of the area's music plays at noon.
  • In the third quarter of the day it is evening. When it is evening, the atmosphere has an orange tint, and the sky has an orange glow. The music is a slower version of the level's theme. Also, some nocturnal enemies such as a Red Bulborb wake up at this time.
  • In the fourth quarter of the day it is night. In most Pikmin games, night can not be played. But in this one, you can stay in the area at night. At night, the atmosphere is a bluish-black dark tint, and no shadows are present. A breeze picks up at night, causing some Pikmin to be carried away. And all nocturnal creatures are active at night, and more numerous. The amount of enemies in the area doubles, and they tend to chase the player down instead of returning to their general locations. It is hard to see at night in addition, so it isn't the safest time of day to be hunting for treasure. All day-dwelling creatures sleep, but that doesn't mean they won't attack if the player wakes them up. The music is a darker, creepier version of the level's music.
  • The player can choose to leave the area at any time, but after night, the player has to leave for a docking with Hocotate Franchise's Distant Planet space station. At the space station, it is assumed that every treasure is loaded from Olimar's ship.


Weather has changed from it's first appearance. It heavily affects gameplay in Pikmin: Ultimate Doom.

Weather Variants

  • Sunny Weather-It makes things hotter, random events that have to do with fire occur much more often when it's sunny.
  • Fair Weather-It makes areas what their normal climate is.
  • Cloudy Weather-It makes things cooler, random events that have to do with water occur more when it's cloudy.
  • Rainy Weather-It makes most bodies of water bigger and fills some small basins.
  • Thunderstorms-Thunder can strike at any given moment, and it usually strikes either the captains or Pikmin, killing any non Yellows and badly hurting the captains. Any small basin overflows, and large basins fill up over time. Water enemy have an advantage as they can cover more ground. Some areas are unaccessible by non Blue Pikmin. If the player has a Treasure Radar, it is dis-functional during a thunderstorm.
  • Snowstorm-This only occurs if the climate is on the Cold scale for the certain area. When a snowstorm happens, most bodies of water freeze over, making many areas accessible to non Blue Pikmin. The treasure radar is not functional during a snowstorm.


Climate goes hand-in-hand with weather. The climate of an area affects what the weather will do to it. Each area's climate is listed on the respective area page.

Fog of war

The Fog of War only appears in dungeons.

  • The Fog of war is a surrounding barrier around the player and his Pikmin. Some things in the fog of war can and can't be seen. The clear area around the player and the Pikmin is called the line of sight.
  • What can be seen in the fog of war:
  1. The ground
  2. All obstacles
  3. Plants
  4. The elements in hazards, such as fire from a fire pit, but the pit can't be seen.
  5. Idle Pikmin
  6. Enemies and enemy corpses
  7. Any non-gameplay changing aesthetic.
  • What can not be seen in the fog of war:
  1. Hazard-producers, such as the pit in a fire pit, but the fire can be seen.
  2. Pellets
  3. Treasures
  4. Cave/Dungeon Entrances
  • What produces a line of sight:
  1. The Captains
  2. Non idle-Pikmin
  3. Olimar's Ship
  • What upgrades the line of sight and how much:
  1. Bulbous Light Sphere +2in
  2. Artificial Star Generator +4in
  3. Light Rod +5in

Split/Screen Story Mode

All of the above applies for this game mode, except there are two players. The Pikmin that belongs to each player is decided by which player takes out that Pikmin.


Concept Art