Pikmin: Ultimate Doom

From Pikmin Fanon
WraithOmniverseLogo.pngUltimate Doom
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Ultimate Doom, a fanon game created by Zoadra.

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Pikmin: Ultimate Doom is the conclusion to the Buildup Trilogy. The planned release date is TBA as confirmed by Peanut64. The Trilogy is releasing a three-in-one pack prior to the release of Pikmin: Ultimate Doom containing PSI, PR and PGB with only one disk, and cutscenes between the games explaining the transitions better, giving the user a better understanding to the Ultimate Doom. This game was played in Japan and already has a North American Rating, T. This is a step further past the bland plot of Pikmin and Pikmin 2. The plot is more involved, the graphics are realistic, and even real dialogue is read by the player in normal gameplay.


Soon after Pikmin: Global Breakdown, Olimar and Louie returned home to Hocotate. They visited their families and settled down. During this, President's company skyrocketed in the Hocotate public. It went on to a capital global status with thousands of divisions and millions of workers. With this new title, Hocotate Franchise claimed property on the Pikmin Planet for its use. Distant Planet was on the verge of ecodisaster with the remaining breakdown effects, so Hocotate Franchise sent scientists to help restore the planet. Olimar and Louie stayed home with their loved ones while these events happened.
After three months of vacation for Olimar and Louie, President called them to a meeting. President was sitting on his golden chair at the head of the conference table. He issued Louie a captain rank and Olimar a commander rank. After this, President sent Olimar and Louie to the Pikmin Planet to help "restore" it. When they landed on the surface, they could only gaze in awe of what was happening...

Areas, Caves, and Dungeons

The first three areas on Distant Planet are above ground, and the last three are underground. All of the areas on Duron are above ground. There are twelve main areas in all.

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Pikmin Planet Areas

  1. Decomposing Citadel
    1. Dead Den
    2. Parasite Pit
    3. Titan's Denizen
  2. Crystal Falls
    1. Grub-Dog Pit
    2. Hole of Glitter
    3. Treacherous Complex
    4. Perilous Cavern
  3. Sand Fortress
    1. Watery Catacombs
    2. Dune Gulch
    3. Dark Kingdom
    4. Aquatic Nest
  4. Subatomic Scaffolding
    1. Dark Circuit Maze
    2. Vent Labyrinth
  5. Analog Dimension
    1. Virus Paradise
    2. Hard Drive Den
  6. Rust Factory
    1. Molten Mezzanine
    2. Hot Hemorrhage

Planet Duron Areas

  1. Sticky Citadel
    1. Glutinous Gulch
  2. Chemical Lake
    1. Acid Cave
  3. Deathbone Desert
    1. Subsand Abyss
  4. Blizzard Mountain
    1. Snowbound Den
  5. Volatile Minefield
    1. Abandoned Mine
  6. Dark Moon
    1. Kryptonite Crater

Netherspace Areas

  1. Antimatter Well

Pikmin Variants

List of Pikmin in the game:


Pikmin: Ultimate Doom's gameplay engine is almost the same as Pikmin 2 with a few changes. Mainly the physics, graphics and aesthetics are updated.


There is a variety of enemies in Pikmin: Ultimate Doom. The game's "Piklopedia" is called the Enemy Database.

Story Mode

New time system

There are new time systems, but it only applies to aboveground levels. Each quarter of the day is four real time minutes, making 16 real minutes in a 'Pikmin: Ultimate Doom' day.

  • In the first quarter of the day it is morning. Morning consists of a brighter atmosphere, a more upbeat version of the level's music plays and some morning-dwelling enemies come out at this time.
  • In the second quarter of the day it is noon. At noon, the sun is usually somewhere in the center of the sky, and heat waves can be seen in the distance. It is more likely for random things to catch on fire, such as a block of wood, causing a field to catch on fire, making a huge hazard for the player and his/her non Red Pikmin. Also a normal version of the area's music plays at noon.
  • In the third quarter of the day it is evening. When it is evening, the atmosphere has an orange tint, and the sky has an orange glow. The music is a slower version of the level's theme. Also, some nocturnal enemies such as a Red Bulborb wake up at this time.
  • In the fourth quarter of the day it is night. In most Pikmin games, night can not be played. But in this one, you can stay in the area at night. At night, the atmosphere is a bluish-black dark tint, and no shadows are present. A breeze picks up at night, causing some Pikmin to be carried away. And all nocturnal creatures are active at night, and more numerous. The amount of enemies in the area doubles, and they tend to chase the player down instead of returning to their general locations. It is hard to see at night in addition, so it isn't the safest time of day to be hunting for treasure. All day-dwelling creatures sleep, but that doesn't mean they won't attack if the player wakes them up. The music is a darker, creepier version of the level's music.
  • The player can choose to leave the area at any time, but after night, the player has to leave for a docking with Hocotate Franchise's Distant Planet space station. At the space station, it is assumed that every treasure is loaded from Olimar's ship.


Weather has changed from it's first appearance. It heavily affects gameplay in Pikmin: Ultimate Doom.

Weather Variants

  • Sunny Weather-It makes things hotter, random events that have to do with fire occur much more often when it's sunny.
  • Fair Weather-It makes areas what their normal climate is.
  • Cloudy Weather-It makes things cooler, random events that have to do with water occur more when it's cloudy.
  • Rainy Weather-It makes most bodies of water bigger and fills some small basins.
  • Thunderstorms-Thunder can strike at any given moment, and it usually strikes either the captains or Pikmin, killing any non Yellows and badly hurting the captains. It rains heavily during a thunderstorm, and the line of sight is reduced by -1in. Any small basin overflows, and large basins fill up over time. Water enemy have an advantage as they can cover more ground. Some areas are unaccessible by non Blue Pikmin. If the player has a Treasure Radar, it is dis-functional during a thunderstorm.
  • Snowstorm-This only occurs if the climate is on the Cold scale for the certain area. When a snowstorm happens, most bodies of water freeze over, making many areas accessible to non Blue Pikmin. The problem is that the line of sight is reduced by -3in, making only one inch of sight unless the player has upgrades. A wind also prevails over Pikmin, sometimes carrying them away. The treasure radar is not functional during a snowstorm.


Climate goes hand-in-hand with weather. The climate of an area affects what the weather will do to it. Each area's climate is listed on the respective area page.

Fog of war

An element that is a recurring gameplay element in most real-time strategy games, the fog of war just had to be put in Pikmin: Ultimate Doom. The aesthetics of the "fog" vary by the area.

  • The Fog of war is a surrounding barrier around the player and his Pikmin. Some things in the fog of war can and can't be seen. The clear area around the player and the Pikmin is called the line of sight.
  • What can be seen in the fog of war:
  1. The ground
  2. All obstacles
  3. Plants
  4. The elements in hazards, such as fire from a fire pit, but the pit can't be seen.
  5. Idle Pikmin
  6. Any non-gameplay changing aesthetic.
  • What can not be seen in the fog of war:
  1. Enemies and enemy corpses
  2. Hazard-producers, such as the pit in a fire pit, but the fire can be seen.
  3. Pellets
  4. Treasures
  5. Cave/Dungeon Entrances
  • What produces a line of sight:
  1. The Captains
  2. Non idle-Pikmin
  3. The Onions
  4. Olimar's Ship
  • What upgrades the line of sight and how much:
  1. Bulbous Light Sphere +2in
  2. Artificial Star Generator +4in
  3. Light Rod +5in


Caves are completely different from Dungeons. Caves have sublevels, onions can't go in caves, and weather doesn't affect caves. In Dugneons, there are no sublevels, onions can go in the dungeons and weather doesn't affect it.

  • The first three Distant Planet areas are above ground and host caves.
  • The second three areas are underground and host dungeons.

Split/Screen Story Mode

All of the above applies for this game mode, except there are two players. The Pikmin that belongs to each player is decided by which player takes out that Pikmin.