Wraith's Crevasse

From Pikmin Fanon
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Welcome... to a cave you'll regret entering. The Waterwraith from Pikmin 2 returns in this 10 sublevel nightmare. He appears on sublevels 2, 4, 6, 8, and a final appearance on sublevel 10. This dungeon's first 5 floors are an altered replica of the Submerged Castle from Pikmin 2. The Waterwraith drops on the even-numbered sublevels after 5 minutes. This cave can be accessed by any type of Pikmin, but the ship does not allow Purple Pikmin to enter, for it says they are scared.

Sublevels: 10

Treasures: 18

Sublevel 1

Treasures: 2

  • Water Pond X 2
  • Bomb Rock Trap X 2

Sublevel 2

Treasures: 1

  • Fire Vent X ???

Sublevel 3

Treasures: 2

  • Electric Node X ???

Sublevel 4

Treasures: 3

  • Bomb Rock X 7
  • Bomb Rock Trap X 4
  • Poison Generator X ???

Sublevel 5

Treasures: 1

Sublevel 6

Treasures: 2

  • Acid Pool X 1(Large)
  • Bomb Rock X 6
  • Bomb Rock Trap X 3

Sublevel 7

Treasures: 3

Sublevel 8

Treasures: 2

Sublevel 9

Treasures: 1

  • Fire Vent
  • Bomb Rock X 7
  • Bomb Rock Trap X 5

Sublevel 10

Treasures: 1

  • Joy Blaster(MP3 Player/Upgrade) 100 pokos (10 pikmin)

This new upgrade makes your captains' whistle(s) have a distance range of about twice of what it was originally! What a great find!
