Killstreak Pikmin

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 13:51, 3 May 2024 by Cheepy-Cheepy (talk | contribs) (Done.)
Killstreak Pikmin
Family Pikmin

The Killstreak Pikmin is a species of Pikmin that becomes more powerful the more enemies it kills.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of Killstreak Pikmin.

In Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back

PtASB Beady Long Legs icon.png
"Wait, there are more arachnorbs?!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back, a fanon game created by SwordsmachineGaming352.
PtASB logo.png
Killstreak Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
PtASB Killstreak Pikmin 250.png
The Killstreak Pikmin after 250 kills.
Resistance Fire, electricity, water, poison, crushing
Attack Weak (0 kills)
Average (25+ kills)
Above average (50+ kills)
High (100+ kills)
Very high (250+ kills)
Mobility Slow (0 kills)
Average (25+ kills)
Above average (50+ kills)
High (100+ kills)
Very high (250+ kills)
Throw Very high
Digging speed Slow (0 kills)
Average(25+ kills)
Above average (50+ kills)
Fast (100+ kills)
Very fast (250+ kills)
Carrying capacity 1 to 250
Candypop Killstreak Candypop Bud

Killstreak Pikmin are a type of Pikmin in Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back that grows more powerful with every kill. It becomes stronger and faster with every kill milestone, and can gain abilities: at 75 and 100 kills, it gains an orb to fire to hit enemies, and at 250 kills, it gains psychokinesis to hit enemies from afar.

The Killstreak Pikmin is inspired by the Roblox game Slap Battle's killstreak mechanic.