Relic Dungeon

From Pikmin Fanon
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The Relic Dungeon is the third cave found in Murky Spring. This upside-down tower of rocks, ancient artifacts and mildly challenging enemies is a force to be reckoned with. This cave's features includes a one of a kind ancient tower appearance.

Sublevels: 7

Treasures: 12

Sublevel 1

Treasures: 2

Sublevel 2

Treasures: 2

  • Water Pond X 1

Sublevel 3

Treasures: 1

  • Fire Vent X ?

Sublevel 4

Treasures: 2

  • Frost Generator X ?
  • Fire Vent X ?

Sublevel 5

Treasures: 1

Sublevel 6

Treasures: 2

  • Frost Generator X ?
  • Electric Node X ?

Sublevel 7


  • Special Gaurd (Hylian Shield(LOZ Ocarina of Time)/Upgrde) 100 pokos (25 pikmin)

This Upgrade seems to be a rip-off of the upgrade found in the Assassin's Realm, however, instead of reducing damage taken from explosions, this upgrade makes the captains' suits resistant to fire.
