Pink Pikmin

From Pikmin Fanon
Pink Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Scientific name Pink Pikmin
Resistance None
Attack High
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

Pink Pikmin are the second discovered Pikmin species in Pikmin: Before Olimar. They are found in the Forest of Hope, in the exact location Yellow Pikmin were discovered in Pikmin 1, flying about as they play tag. Their Onion, however, is by the pond in the area. They are pink in color, have a very long nose, and on their back are a pair of light green wings that allow them to fly. They inflict as much damage as a Purple Pikmin and carry objects the slowest of all Pikmin types, even Purple Pikmin.

In other games

Below this point is where users place their version of Pink Pikmin.

In One Pikmin

One Pikmin
This article or section presents information pertaining to One Pikmin, a fanon game created by Piki1.

A Pink Pikmin appears in One Pikmin as one of the game's main characters. It is feminine in appearance, and because it has no name the player may name it anything they wish. Its special ability is throwing spiky hearts in a manner similar to shurikens.

In Pikmin Chronicles

See: Pikmin Chronicles
Pink Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
PC Pink Pikmin.png
Some Pink Pikmin standing on a moss-covered tree root, the landing site in the background.
Scientific name Pink Pikmin
Resistance Crushing, explosions
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

Pink Pikmin, also known colloquially as Pinkmin, appear in Pikmin Chronicles. They are smaller than most other Pikmin but larger than White Pikmin, feminine in appearance, and have a shiny body, slightly larger eyes with three large lashes on each, and a squeakier voice than other Pikmin. On the end of their stem is what appears to be a withered rosebud rather than an ordinary flower, and this rose will bloom as the Pikmin's maturity increases upon drinking nectar. Pink Pikmin seem to attract other Pikmin species to themselves, although this is due to their shiny body. Being a subspecies of Purple Pikmin, Pink Pikmin can coexist with them inside the Purple Onion.

Pink Pikmin are shiny because their body is made of a very rubbery, sponge-like material, similar to the Puffstool's cap, and because of this they are impervious to explosions and being crushed. They also actively avoid enemies and rarely trip. Pink Pikmin are very weak, however; while most Pikmin lose their maturity levels when shaken off an enemy and then get up to continue attacking, Pink Pikmin being shaken off is enough to kill them if they are already at the lowest stage of maturity, but will otherwise merely lose their maturity stages and continue attacking.

In Pikmin Galaxy Adventure

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Pikmin Galaxy Adventure
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Galaxy Adventure, a fanon game created by Legendlink.
PGA Media Banner.gif
Pink Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Scientific name Pink Pikmin
Resistance Explosions
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

In Pikmin Galaxy Adventure, Pink Pikmin are distinctly female and are resistant to explosions.

In Pikmin: Adventures of Olimar

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Pikmin: Adventures of Olimar
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Adventures of Olimar, a fanon game created by MammaMia64.
Nuvola warning.png
Pink Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Scientific name Pink Pikmin
Resistance None
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed High
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

Pink Pikmin in Pikmin: Adventures of Olimar are discovered in Massive Mound. They have sharp claws which they use to quickly dig up buried items and enemies. They are also able to tear down walls just as swiftly.

In Pikmin: The Final Frontier

See: Pikmin: The Final Frontier
Pink Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Scientific name Pink Pikmin
Resistance None
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Very high
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop Beige Candypop Bud

In Pikmin: The Final Frontier, Pink Pikmin have wings and what appear to be slim small eyebrows. They can be thrown quite higher than Yellow Pikmin, which allows them to reach high-up objects not even Yellow Pikmin can reach. This ability is particularly useful in areas like the Aqua Garden, where some treasures are on a very high ledge. When carrying an object from up high, Pink Pikmin can fly for a distance determined by the weight of the object and how many Pink Pikmin are carrying it. However, once they take flight, if there are any other types of Pikmin on it, those Pikmin will fall off, and if there are not enough Pink Pikmin needed to carry the object, they will drop to the ground with it. Like all Pikmin in this game, they have a respective Onion, although more can be created using Beige Candypop Buds.

In Pikmin: Guardian

See: Pikmin: Guardian
Pink Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Scientific name Pink Pikmin
Resistance None
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

In Pikmin: Guardian, Pink Pikmin have leaf-like appendages on the end of their arms, allowing them to glide in mid-air if they flap their arms. They do this even as a seed.

In Pikmin: Louie's Adventure

Nuvola warning.png Starring Louie!
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Louie's Adventure, created by 13Pikmar and Peach Bulborb.
Nuvola warning.png
Pink Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
Scientific name Pink Pikmin
Resistance None
Attack Average
Mobility Average
Throw Average
Digging speed Average
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop None

In Pikmin: Louie's Adventure, Pink Pikmin are discovered in Rocky Ravine. They are thin and have white wings that allow them to glide on air currents. Using the control stick, the player can control their movements. However, the air currents are usually above crevasses that are too deep, so it is recommended all Pikmin except the intended Pink Pikmin be dismissed so they are not driven off the edge. The Pink Pikmin are usually driven across a pit to make a bridge for crossing.