Sanhatten's Beach

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Pikmin 4: The World to Free
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 4: The World to Free, a fanon game created by New Pikminjp.
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The center of Sanhatten beach
The left of Sanhatten beach
The right of Sanhatten beach

Story mode

Tike returns with the last holy orb to be greeted by a location from Captain Pikmin. Sanhatten beach the location of the fountain to place the orbs. However to captain pikmin something was not right. He warns Tike about something may be in their way to success.

How it got named

Tike views the beach as a memory of his Grandfather Hatten Saniol Shearon. So to honer him he names the beach based off his first and middle name, Sanhattens beach.


Tikes notes

This beach has an odd feeling to my soul. Maybe I have drinken to much sulpa, one of my favorite drinks. It's a strange one I must say. Well, its commercials sure keep saying "Drink it to bring that spirit up". Well maybe I should bring some just in case I need a boost. I wonder why I like it... maybe it's just the fact I like a silk like flavor of juice that no other drink applys. However I don't think that it since it's just a milk and juice blend. I ain't like friend from hocotate who does the bad stuff, you know what I mean. Just something about the atmosphere it is just so feel great. I think im going to pass out Zzz.

Alice notes

Tike always seems to fall a sleep on this beach something is about it although. However since I've been here I notice odd things especially in my dreams. A strange creature watching over me. It's kinda goldish looking. But only I hear that word (wraith) Zzz.Ok I guess I can't write it either. After were done here I out of here.

Captain pikmin Ok I think something is fishy but I can't put my tounge on it. However no time to waste we got to get to that fountain.

??? note

Hee hee well it looks like they fall into my parrrrt ha if only I can reach him. He won't defeeeeeeeer... me....aga....n

Common Enemies

Rare beasts MB
