The President's Adventure

From Pikmin Fanon
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The President's Adventure is a strategy/adventure game in the Pikmin Fanon. It's the first game in The President's Adventure series, which is supposed to have another seven sequels. The game follow the gameplay set by Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2, but is even more enhanced, bringing with it new characters, areas, enemies, game modes and ways to play. Different from the New Play Control! version of Pikmin and Pikmin 2, this game supposed to go on the Wii, and all it's characteristics are based on the Nintendo Wii.


Opening Sequence The game starts with The President reading a book. It has several pictures of it's adventure, which become animated as he speaks. He narrates he's entire adventure from the beginning, until he enters Chapter 1, and then the story actually begins.

Chapter 1

The President is surprised by Olimar and Louie knocking upon his door with a birthday cake in hands. Louie carries a balloon that reads "Happy


The game features eight areas, all with four caves each. In each area and cave are treasures, that are exchanged for money. All the enemies present in the game are spread through all this areas, as well as the treasures. There's a special Piklopedia of Areas that have more details about each single level and his withins.

The Crossroads

Peaceful River

Souless Jungle

Ruined Temple

Magical Shrine

Starry Skies

The Final Gate

Secret Gardens


The main protagonists in the game, The President's Adventure bring new, as well as the old Pikmin, both avaliable in the Story Mode and Challenge Mode.

Returning Pikmin

  • Red Pikmin: The fire resistance Pikmin are the first found in the game.
  • Yellow Pikmin: The electricity resistance Pikmin are the second found in the the game.
  • Blue Pikmin: The Pikmin who enjoy taking baths is the promise to explore the wide ocean of the game.
  • Purple Pikmin: The heavy kind of Pikmin, that can carry things one thousand times heavier then himself have now his own Onion, but can still be breed underground, where he's first found.
  • White Pikmin: The white and red eyed Pikmin now come with an Onion of his own, but first has to be found in the depts of some tricky level.

New Pikmin

As promised, the game features three new types of Pikmin, being two never seen before. None of them have their own Onions, and can only be breed with Candypop Buds or Incubators.

Gold Pikmin

The gold colored, not maded, Pikmin is one of the brand new types present in the game. All their skills are enhanced, but is extremely rare to find Golden Candypop Bud in this game. To create Gold Pikmin, a Yellow Pikmin must be thrown in a candypop that generates his own color, the yellow. Double timed Yellow Pikmin become a Gold Pikmin.


The Pikmin wearing a Tanooki Suit from the Super Mario Franchise. Nobody knows how, when and why those Pikmin manage to wear the suit and use it's skills. They can only be breed with the Animal Candypop Bud, or in the Animalistic Incubator, found later in the game as an upgrade.

Skull Pikmin

The maybe rarest Pikmin in the game. The Skull Pikmin are nothing more then bones, shaped like a Pikmin's body. Stories says that souls of Pikmin that can't find their way into the light come back and become Skull Pikmin. The only way to get them is if any Pikmin is left behind and have the lucky to survive overnight. Those chances go from 10% to 20%. Maybe rare, but the Skull Pikmin are undeads. If they're defeated, picking up all their bones and taking them to an Onion will generate, again, a Skull Pikmin.


Like the New Play Control! versions of Pikmin maded to the Wii, The President's Adventure also features most of the old gameplay, but new ways to play it.

With the Wii Remote and Nunchuk

Same old gameplay.

With Pro Controller

Left Steer = walk Right Steer = move The President's target to call Pikmin.

  • + Button = open menu (with new design)
  • - Button = open Enemy Hoard, Upgrade Hoard and Treasure Hoard
  • A Button = throw Pikmin
  • X Button = call Pikmin
  • R/L Button = move camera
  • B Button = disband Pikmin
  • Y Button = change upgrade The President is wearing


The game features the same game modes, with a few small changes. They're are:

Story Mode

Enjoy the story of The President leaping into his first very own adventure.

Enemy Database

You'll find the Piklopedia Of Enemies here.

Local Maps

You'll find a map of the world and the Piklopedia Of Areas here.

Treasure Room

You'll find the Piklopedia Of Treasures here.

Challenge Mode

Beat tasks and explore caves to complete this challenging mode.

Two Player Mode

Play Pikmin like never before, in never seen two player gameplay.

President's Teather

Revive cutscene previously seen in the Story Mode.


The President's Adventure introduce a very needed characteristic to the Pikmin series: the possibility to change the difficulty of the gameplay. There's only three difficulties, with very distingued characteristics:

  • Easy - For begginer players. Enemies appear less and have less health. There's a Guide Mode, and the player is lead by Tutorials everytime it got stuck in a level.
  • Normal - The normal Pikmin difficulty. Same characteristics, with more enemy and treasure appearing the in the Easy.
  • Hard - For advanced players only. Enemies will appear more and in larger groups. Day will last longer, and exploration can be a real challenge.

Two Player Mode

Like said in the section Modes, this games has brand new modes to play with a friend. They're listed down this article, with a short explanation.

Bounty Hunters

Two players compete against each other and against the clock. They're put into caves and several areas and must hunt and take down a previously choosen enemy. When time runs out, the player who had taken down the most number of enemies will be the winner. This game mode is only unlocked after beating the game once.

Treasure Hunters

Two players compete against each other in a random cave. They have a time limit to find and bring back to the ship's pod treasures spread around the floor. When time runs out, the player with most trasures in his collection is the winner. This game mode is unlocked right at the start, but the treasures that will appear depend on the treasures the player has yet found in this adventure in Story Mode.

Friend Challenge

The version of Challenge Mode, but for two players, has entirely new missions and objectives that two players need to reach. Those missions and objectives take place in the Story Mode's areas and caves, and sometimes two players are actually needed to beat the level. Friend Mode is unlocked right at the start, but to have a greater arsenal of disponible missions, the player must first beat Story Mode.

To see all the missions of Friend Mode in The President's Adventure, see here The President's Adventure/Friend Challenge Missions

Piklopedia Of Enemies

See The President's Adventure/Piklopedia Of Enemies

Piklopedia Of Treasures

See The President's Adventure/Piklopedia Of Treasures

Piklopedia Of Areas

See The President's Adventure/Piklopedia Of Areas


See The President's Adventure/Upgrades

Beta Elements

See The President's Adventure/Beta Elements


See The President's Adventure/Sprays

Challenge Mode

Like in all other canon or fanon games, the Challenge Mode is a "must have" feature in the game. Presenting six sets of four caves each, the Challenge Mode bring intriguing challenges and caves designed only for average players. Who'll be the one to beat them all?

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Set 5

Set 6

The Sequel

In Beta phase, it's being created a sequel to the game, named The President's Adventure 2: Galaxy Explorers, which will bring the next step into The President's adventures. Pretty much nothing is confirmed, but still in Beta phase, you can check out the game's page.