Nostalgic Forest

From Pikmin Fanon
A New Planet awaits...
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 8: The World Beyond, a fanon game created by Akram0218.
Nostalgic Forest
Location PHF-804
Pikmin discovered PB Red Pikmin icon.png, Green Pikmin
Collectibles 4
Obstacles White bramble gate icon.png Black bramble gate icon.png Cardboard box icon.png Stick bridge icon.png

The Nostalgic Forest is the first area in Pikmin 8: The World Beyond. It area is comparable to the Forest of Hope from Pikmin 1 and the Awakening Wood from Pikmin 2. Red Pikmin are found here. Alph and Green Pikmin are also found here, but only in a cave called the Cave of Flowers.



  1. Cave of Flowers
  2. Big Meaty Claws

The 4th cave is unlocked once you complete the game for the first time

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