User:ZephwIng/Random Pikmin Ideas

From Pikmin Fanon

Hello! This is a page where I post random Pikmin ideas that I come up with. You other fanon users may use these ideas in your own fangames. If anyone can make images for these Pikmin types, then go ahead and do so. I would very much appreciate it.

Vine Pikmin

Color: Green

Stem: Spindly Vine

Other Physical Attributes: Short, Slender, has a vine for a leaf

Carry Weight: 1

Way(s) of Accessing Them: Onion, Candypop Bud

Main Ability: Extending it's vine-like leaf to grab far-away objects, latch onto enemies, grab onto some walls, and press switches.

Secondary Ability(s): Saving drowning Pikmin with its vines and having a 1.25x attack mulitplier if the Pikmin grapples onto the enemy.

Strengths: Being the (currently) only Pikmin with a ranged attack

Weaknessess: Some enemies can grab the vines.

Immunities: None

How to activate Main Ability: Charging (Or Swarming)

How to activate Secondary Ability(s): Charging (Or Swarming)

Leaf/Bud/Flower Line: Leaf (Wraps around objects), Bud (Chomps on objects), Flower (Latches on objects)

Special Quirks: If the vine is caught on fire, the vine will disintegrate until it is put out by either a nearby water hazard or source.

Image of said Pikmin:

Shell Pikmin

Color: Cyan

Stem: Stem

Other Physical Attributes: Has a shell around its torso, but has holes for the head, arms and legs.

Carry Weight: 2

Way(s) of accessing them: Onion, Candypop Buds

Main Ability: Using it's shell to bash into objects and enemies. The shell bash has a 1.5x attack multiplier and the Pikmin's attacks without the bash is 1.25x.

Secondary Ability(s): Being able to slide through small spaces and down hills with their shell bash, which can be used to get to certain areas. And also being able to use the bash to surf over water for small periods of time.

Strengths: Being a great canidate for combat and puzzles

Weaknessess: They do not have the best throw height.

Immunities: Fire, Water, Being Eaten

Reasons for Immunities: If the Shell Pikmin are thrown into water and not bashed into it, they will float on their backs in their shells, and can be whistled back to shore. They are also immune to fire hazards, but only because they curl up into their super-protective shells when near it and will not move unless charged. They are even immune to being eaten, because their shell is too hard to be chomped on.

How to activate Main Ability: Charging (Or Swarming)

How to activate Secondary Ability(s): Charging (Or Swarming)

Leaf/Bud/Flower Line: Leaf, Bud, Flower.

Special Quirks: The shell will change colors depending on if the Pikmin has a leaf, bud, or flower. Green for Leaf, White for Bud, and Yellow for Flower. It will also change to a bright red color if the Pikmin has had Ultra-Spicy Spray used on them.

Image of said Pikmin:

Blue Pikmin (Buffed)

P3 Blue Pikmin.png

Color: Blue

Stem: Stem

Other Physical Attributes: Has gills on its face

Carry Weight: 1

Way(s) of accessing them: Onion, Candypop Buds

Main Ability: Being able to go underwater and save drowning Pikmin when charged or idle.

Secondary Ability(s): When charged, instead of swarming the enemy, they will summon geysers under the enemy from a safe distance away. This geyser will deal a small amount of damage, and if there are enough, the geysers can push enemies back and create a wall in certain areas.

Strengths: Being the (currently) only Pikmin who can go underwater.

Weaknessess: They are not immune to any other hazards.

Immunities: Water

Reasons for Immunities: If they weren't they wouldn't exist.

How to Activate Main Ability: Walking into water/Charging (Or Swarming), Being Idle

How to activate Secondary Ability(s): Charging (Or Swarming)

Leaf/Bud/Flower Line: Leaf, Bud, Flower.

Special Quirks: None

Copy Pikmin

Color: Lime Green

Stem: Stem

Other Physical Attributes: Very rotund and cute

Carry Weight: Depends on the enemy ability

Way(s) of accessing them: Onion, Candypop Buds

Main Ability: Adapting and copying the abililities of creatures and Pikmin near it.

Secondary Ability(s): Being able to throw their ability hat it you charge them while they have an ability to deal damage.

Strengths: Being able to copy any enemy''s abilites (for example, breathing fire like a Firey Blowhog)

Weaknessess: Only being able to have one ability at a time and having a 0.7x attack mulitplier

Immunities: Depends on the enemy ability

Reasons for Immunities: It just does what the enemy it copies does.

How to Activate Main Ability: By being near an enemy or Pikmin for long enough

How to activate Secondary Ability(s): Charging (Or Swarming)

Leaf/Bud/Flower Line: Leaf, Bud, Flower

Special Quirks: The Copy Pikmin will get a hat resembling whatever enemy or Pikmin's ability they have.

Image of Said Pikmin:

Cloud Pikmin

Color: (Body) Light Blue (Cloud) White by default, Gray when a weather is charged up

Stem: Stem

Other Physical Attributes: has cloud-shaped ears

Carry Weight: 2 when in cloud, 1 when out

Way(s) of accessing them: Onion, Candypop Buds

Main Ability: Flying in a cloud, making them the second flying Pikmin. However, unlike Winged Pikmin, they cannot fly over water, as doing so would activate their Rain Cloud form and force them closer to the water, hereby drowning.

Secondary Ability(s): Being able to harness mini-weather to deal damage while in the cloud.

Strengths: Being able to use most hazards as attacks (for example, water and electricity)

Weaknessess: Having a 0.5x attack multiplier while outside the cloud

Immunities: Wind, Water, Electricity, Ice

Reasons for Immunities: Water, electricity, and ice are all weather types (rain, lightning, hail).

How to Activate Main Ability: Near strong winds/wind-using enemies, water/water enemies, electrical gates/enemies, and ice/icy enemies.

How to activate Secondary Ability(s): Being thrown in Cloud Form.

Leaf/Bud/Flower Line: Leaf, Bud, Flower

Special Quirks: If the Cloud Pikmin gets hit by anything, it will make the cloud disappear.

Image of Said Pikmin: