Power crystal

From Pikmin Fanon
Power crystal

A power crystal is an crystalline item that can be used to activate certain devices or have its power withdrawn for other uses.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of power crystals.

In Pikmin: The Continents

Pikmin: The Continents
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Continents, a fanon game created by Akidthatisnew.

Power crystals appear in Pikmin: The Continents, where they are placed in power stones to reveal a path to the next continent. Each one needs a minimum of four Pikmin to carry, and a maximum of seven can carry one at once. The first power crystal is an orange one spat up by the Big Orangeetle after defeat, and placing it into a power stone causes a sandbar connecting Roniak to the next continent to rise out of the ocean, allowing safe passage.