Chieftain's Throne

From Pikmin Fanon
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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin V, a fanon game created by En Passant.
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Chieftain's Throne
Number Unknown
Series Progenitor's Tools Series
Weight 5
Maximum carriers 10
Location Unknown

The Chieftain's Throne is a treasure in Pikmin V. It is a tortellini noodle.


Olimar's notes

For something so ancient, it bears a striking resemblance to a typical pilot's seat. I guess the design is simple enough that there's not much to change. It gets me thinking, though, about how advanced this society was, and what happened to cause it to go extinct.

Sales pitch

Enjoy the comfort meant only for the royalty of an ancient kingdom. This may not be a lot of comfort, but such are the sacrifices of the cultural elite.