Blue Forowler

From Pikmin Fanon
Blue Forowler
Family Flewa

The Blue Forowler is a species of flewa that has blue leaves.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Blue Forowler.

In Pikmin: The Continents

Pikmin: The Continents
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Continents, a fanon game created by Akidthatisnew.
Blue Forowler The icon used to represent this plant.
Blue Forowler.png
Scientific name Blukius flowforusis
Family Flewa
Areas Roniak

The Blue Forowler is a relative of the Forowler appearing in Pikmin: The Continents. Blue Forowlers grow exclusively in jungles and are used by Kaboolas for the blue honey they produce, which is used also as blue tribal paint, as the plants don’t have any medicinal use. The honey protects them from pests that would feed on them otherwise, such as Jungle Pikmin, which like the honey's hue. Kaboolas must travel from their forest territory to be able to collect Blue Forowler honey, making it a rare commodity.