
From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 23:55, 12 January 2018 by StarWolf (talk | contribs) (→‎Journal)

Hi~ I'm StarWolf! I did use to have an account here, but I lost my log in info and got a slight bad rap, but hey! What do you expect from a 10 - 11 year old who just found the internet?

I hope to be of any use!

Nintendo logo.png

Template:Pikmin 3

Sprout rank.png
Yummy, a hamburger!!!
Olimar hate.jpg
Wii U logo.png
Spike Pikmin by Scruffy.png

Important Info

Gender: Female

Names you can call me by: StarWolf, Star, and/or Genii (pronounced Jenny).

Age Range: Teenager

Time Zone: USA Eastern Time Zone


December 27th, 2016 - Sorry about the long break. The computer I used before was not mine, so I couldn't always get on, then school started and yeah... But Im back! And I got my own computer for Christmas, so I'll try to stay active! I'll probably just check around and fix grammar issues I find and try to clean things up in general, as the notes I had for A Son's Quest are on another computer. Anyways, it's great to be back!

I've also added another section to my home page with links to my Deviant Art, Pikmin Forums, and Tumblr Blog. I don't plan on removing them, but if you see one missing I probably deleted my account related it.

As of this journal, I plan to update it whenever something interesting happens, such as me reacting a a goal related to the games or this sight, something happening that may cause me to stop being active or get a tsunami's worth of work done, or if a new Pikmin game comes out/is revealed and I want to put my input into it. When this becomes to lengthy (I'll probably keep no more than ten entries on the page at one time), I'll see if I can make a new page for all of my entries. If not, they'll be stored away in a google doc that I may or may not make public.

Anyways, it's great to be back, and I'll start working ASAP! ~Star

February 17th, 2017 Wow, I haven't been here since last year. Sorry guys! But over the past month I have been working on a new project! I have many ideas written down on scrap paper, and am in the processes of organizing it on a text document. All I can say as of now is that it is currently titled Pikmin: The Golden Rose. I'm so far pleased with the progress and can't wait until I have enough done to show you guys! As for my old project, I plan on giving it away. I'm not sure to who yet, but I'll be poking around to see.

Well, I'll continue to work on it! ~Star

April 22nd, 2017 Hey! So quite a few things have happened that I need to address, including personal life stuff, a new game revealed, and progress on Pikmin: The Golden Rose

Hey! Pikmin! was revealed. I won't state my full opinion right now, but I'm exited for it.

And my game... hasn't progressed much... heheh... I'll start working on it more though!

Well, that's all from me! See you guys later! --StarWolf of the Cosmos 21:23, 22 April 2017 (EDT)

July 23rd, 2017 It has been a while, huh? Well, I'm glad to say that progress on Golden Rose is being made! In fact, It's an interactive story now! Yay! In this way it a bit more like a supercharged fanfiction more so than a game, but I digress. I'll Update here whenever a new chapter comes out, of witch there will be eight... ten if you include the prologue and epilogue.

Well, I have nothing else to report. Bye! --StarWolf of the Cosmos 08:50, 23 July 2017 (EDT)

January 12th, 2018 ONCE AGAIN I HAVE NOT BEEN ON SINCE LAST YEAR. WELP. I've been in a rut for a long while, and only recently have things started to look twoards the better. Granted, nothing has been set in motion yet, but things have been promised.

Anyways, more updates on Pikmin: The Golden Rose - it's no longer an interactive story. The program I was using doesn't have a very easy to use "upload" system... as in there is none at all. So back to a regular fannon game!

Things That I've Created (excluding Projects)

Wolf Pikmin

Cat Pikmin


A Son's Quest (Kinda dead...)

The Golden Rose


My Pikmin Forums Profile

My Tumblr Blog

My Deviant Art

Other Stuff

10 things to do While you wait for Pikmin 4!!!

1. Beat the first three games again.Yep, I’m serious.

2. Beat the first three games again, yet with some added challenges:

a. No Pikmin Deaths! b. Beat each game in 7 (in-game) Days… 100% c. Play them blind-folded! Have a friend or family member guide you through the game(s)! d. Play with the Wii Remote controls with your non-dominant hand e. Find all easter eggs! f. Do all the latter challenges at once! Warning, this challenge is only for the cocky, the pros, the crazy, and the extremely bored. If you do not meet any of these criteria, than I suggest not doing this challenge.

3. All Platinum Ranking in Pikmin 3’s challenge modes!

4. All Pink Flowers in Pikmin 2′s challenge mode!

5. Create a fan-anything. Fan-art, Fan-fiction, a Fan-game what ever floats your boat.

6. Find and execute as many glitches as possible!!!

7. There’s a game very similar to Pikmin called Overlord, the main difference is that you’re evil! Heck, the minions are even color-coded based on ability. Play it if you want.

8. Play other Nintendo classics!!!

9. Why not theorize what stuff is in the Pikmin games. Like the Water Wraith and Plasma Wraith! What are they? What happened to the humans?

And finally…

10. Come up with ideas for Pikmin 4. Area Ideas, Pikmin Ideas, Character and Plot Ideas! What ever creative things you want to see in the upcoming game!