Lucky Dweevil

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 13:20, 8 November 2012 by 13pikmar (talk | contribs) (a pikmin enemy)
Lucky Dweevil
Scientific name Mandarachnia Lucuness
Family Dweevil
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 70
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 100
Attacks releases fire, acid, electricity, water, poison, sticky beams, wind, explodes, eats pikmin

The lucky dweevil is actually pretty lucky, it has all the elements. It has a 1/100 chance of spawning in place of a dweevil. Its base color is clear, but changes depending on the element its going to use. It will turn red for fire breath, blue for a water jet, yellow for electricity, white for poison spray, green for acid spray, black for stickiness beams, clear for eating pikmin, orange for exploding, and finally purple for wind gusts. This dweevil also has three times the health of normal dweevils. This beast serves almost as a miniboss ( a rare one that is). But for some reason you have a higher chance finding them above ground than below ground (caves). But it is well worth beating because it gives pikmin a whopping seventy seeds, and 100 pokos!

How to beat it

All you have to do is keep throwing pikmin at it until it gives up, but remember pull back any pikmin that aren't that element.

What games it is found in

Pikmin: Wrath of Mr. B

pikmin the huge debt