Mitite family

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 14:15, 29 February 2024 by Cheepy-Cheepy (talk | contribs)
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "mitite family" article for more official information.

The mitite family consists of parasitic creatures that often infest the locations they inhabit.


Commander Mitite

Main article: Commander Mitite

The Commander Mitite commands other mitites.

Flaming Mitite

Main article: Flaming Mitite

The Flaming Mitite is perpetually engulfed in flames.

Iron Pillbug

Main article: Iron Pillbug

The Iron Pillbug curls into an impenetrable ball when threatened.


Main article: Mitite

The Mitite can send any Pikmin it encounters into a panic.

Mitite Queen

Main article: Mitite Queen

The Mitite Queen is a mitite matriarch.


Main article: Ormitite

The Ormitite can camouflage into ore.