Deposed Bulblax

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Deposed Bulblax
Family Grub-dog

The Deposed Bulblax is a species of former grub-dog patriarch that has been infected with mold.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Deposed Bulblax.

In Pikmin Evolution

Pikmin Evolution icon.png
"An Evolution Revolution."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Evolution, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Evolution icon.png
Deposed Bulblax The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Parasitus pseudofungi elasticis supremus
Family Sporovid
Habitats Damp Areas
Diet Meat
Rarity Rare
Carry weight 30
Max. carriers 60
Seed worth 50
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 35
Collectable resources Mycelium, bulborb flesh
Attacks Eats Pikmin, spreads mold and acid, spits gloom
Resistances Spore icon.png Mold icon.png Gloom icon.png
Weaknesses Water icon.png Acid icon.png

The Deposed Bulblax is a species of Grub-dog infected by mold originating from a sporovid family member appearing in Pikmin Evolution, its the infected form of a fully gown Emperor Bulblax. The body is pale-grey with a rancid green tint, the eyes are also foggy and gray and the hide is jet black and crusty due to the moss dieing as a result of the mold infecting it. Its heavily implied that this creature was the same Emperor Bulblax fought as a the final boss of the original Pikmin, however the playable characters aren't aware of this fact. Like the Emperor Bulbax, the Deposed Bulblax hides underground and waits for someone to approach it, then it will pop out and try to eat it with its long sticky tongue. The backside of the Deposed Bulblax contains several small blue clumps of mold, this is its actual weakpoint as its face has become tougher due to suffering from rigor mortis and therefore takes less damage. The mold clumps can be destroyed by any Pikmin type, and to defeat it you need to destroy all the clumps on its back, however Roach Pikmin and Germ Pikmin are the best type to battle this creature since so many of its attacks revolve around mold and acid. When it licks with its tongue the Deposed Bulblax scatters corrosive sludge from it, leaving the resulting ground an acidic mess, so Germ Pikmin must clean it. The Deposed Bulblax can also drop clumps of mold from its body when it performs its leaping attack, which can mature into Toxcaps if left alone for too long, a perfect problem for Roach Pikmin to fix. The Deposed Bulblax, despite its rancid saliva, still keeps its original weakness to water and acid, as water will cause the Bulblax to become sluggish and splashing it with acid will heavily damage the bulbs on its backside as well as allow the face to take normal damage again. However the Deposed Bulblax is not alone, as somewhere nears its nest is its mate. You see the Deposed Bulblax is always found nearby a Broodmother Bulblax and her brood of Moldy Bulborb Larva, implying the two may be mates, and while you battle these two enemies separately, they seem to have some affection for one another and one will become enraged if you slay the other. If the Broodmother Bulblax was killed first, the bulbs on the Deposed Bulblax's backside will become black and therefore immune to the effects of water or acid, meaning you need to attack them normally in order to defeat the boss. However the Deposed Bulblax will now create a deadlier concoction as its main attack, as instead of spraying acid from its tongue, the Deposed Bulblax can now scatter a cloud of gloom when it attempts to lick its targets, which lingers around before seeping into the ground and becomes mold. The Deposed Bulblax will also be able to shoot concentrated balls of gloom from its eyeballs which will land on the floor and create shockwaves but doesn't create mold. Finally the Deposed Bulblax will create a massive gloom shockwave when it lands its jumping attack, which are all dangerous attacks as this gloom will instantly kill any Pikmin that crosses it, even the poison-immune Roach Pikmin. As such with its mate down for the count, the Deposed Bulblax can prove to be a massive threat, however taking your time and being aware of your sorroundings when it shoots out gloom may be all that is needed to take this creature down with low casualties. However if you are able to easily handle an enraged Broodmother Bulblax, the normal Deposed Bulblax can be quite easy to take down with a full squad of Germ and Roach Pikmin, the choice is yours. Regardless like all bosses the Deposed Bulblax drops a piece of refuse upon defeat, often to compliment the one dropped by the Broodmother Bulblax, emphasizing their link with one another.
