Fruity Long Legs

From Pikmin Fanon
Fruity Long Legs
Family Arachnorb

The Fruity Long Legs is a species of brightly-colored arachnorb with an appetite for fruit.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Fruity Long Legs.

In Pikmin: Antarctic Survival

P4 Porquillion.png
“Welcome to ze Revolution, mon ami!”
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Antarctic Survival, a fanon game created by A Friendly Amprat.
P4 Porquillion.png
Species Fruity Long Legs (red)
Gender Male
Initial location Trampled Tundra
Elements Fire
Housing size 3
Blood type Cold-blooded
Carrying capacity 10
Hit points 13
Clothing types Standard Coat, 2× Jumbo Leg Covering
Starting skills Juicer, Search 0, Build 0, Quarry 0
Potential skills Crafter (Fired Clay) 0
Species Fruity Long Legs (yellow)
Gender Male
Initial location Trampled Tundra
Elements Electric
Housing size 3
Blood type Cold-blooded
Carrying capacity 10
Hit points 13
Clothing types Standard Coat, 2× Jumbo Leg Covering
Starting skills Juicer, Search 0, Build 0, Quarry 0
Potential skills None
Species Fruity Long Legs (blue)
Gender Male
Initial location Trampled Tundra
Elements Water
Housing size 3
Blood type Cold-blooded
Carrying capacity 10
Hit points 13
Clothing types Standard Coat, 2× Jumbo Leg Covering
Starting skills Juicer, Search 0, Build 0, Quarry 0
Potential skills None

Huey, Dewey, and Louie are the trio of Fruity Long Legs that appears in Pikmin: Antarctic Survival. The three of them are unique among creatures of the Antarctic for being the only wild creatures that cannot ever be encountered on an exploration mission, instead only appearing as a unique event. They are also the only creatures that can use the Juicer skill once Awakened, which is needed to convert ultra-spicy berries into ultra-spicy spray and ultra-bitter berries into ultra-bitter spray.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie's first appearance is as part of the mob of creatures from the Trampled Tundra that raid the Diamond Settlement on the first day of the game. In fact, the Fruity Long Legs trio are the ones leading the charge, with them riling up the rest of the creatures of the tundra and then leading them to the Diamond Settlement to rampage. While the rest of the wild creatures were causing a ruckus in the underdefended Diamond Settlement, the three Fruity Long Legs cleverly took the opportunity to make off with the majority of the Diamond Settlement's food supplies while everyone else was distracted. After this appearance, the trio do not appear again until much later in the game, some time after the Diamond Settlement has reached its second level. The trio will always launch an attack fifteen days after the settlement reaches this level, waiting until most settlement residents are distracted or out exploring before they attack. Similar to on the first day, they steal a large quantity of supplies from the Diamond Settlement and make off with them, fleeing back to the Trampled Tundra. This time, however, the Diamond Settlement residents are able to track them down to the Trampled Tundra and battle them. Though the Fruity Long Legs trio puts up quite a fight working together, the Awakened creatures are able to defeat them and Awaken them.

Interestingly, the battle against the trio can show a unique property of the Awakening condition, which can be observed if one Fruity Long Legs is Awakened while the other two remain wild. Fruity Long Legs are social creatures that will stick together with their group no matter what, and can identify their groupmates by sight, sound, and smell. The Awakening process is known to completely alter a creature's pheromonal signature, causing creatures that previously were friendly toward the Awakened creature to no longer recognize them, sensing some sort of unnatural aspects of its nature, and usually attack it. This is mentioned by several Awakened creatures as being something they remember noticing before their Awakening, such as Crystal, who describes seeing her daughter when Yuki was Awakened and she was not, which led to Crystal having a strong feeling that the creature she saw wasn't her daughter, but instead some kind of parasitic mimicking creature imitating Yuki or "wearing her skin". The sense that wild creatures feel toward Awakened creatures is always incredibly uncanny like this, and is the reason that wild creatures will typically attack Awakened ones. This has an incredibly unusual effect on the Fruity Long Legs trio, due to their synchronized nature somehow linking them together in some way. When one Fruity Long Legs is Awakened, the other two will immediately sense something is wrong, no longer being able to directly identify the Awakened arachnorb as their teammate. However, the subconscious link between the creatures is still present, meaning that the other two Fruity Long Legs will simultaneously still sense that the unnatural creature they are looking at is a member of their team. This simultaneous awareness of the Awakened Fruity Long Legs seemingly being their fellow teammate but also some unnatural entity at the same time will quickly "overload" the minds of the other two Fruity Long Legs, rendering them paralyzed in place in a state of confusion and unease. In this state, the non-Awakened Fruity Long Legs can be observed to make strange, disturbed noises and repeatedly raise and lower one or two of their feet slightly, rapidly tapping them against the ground in a very unusual manner. Before long, the paradoxical mental state inflicted on the remaining Fruity Long Legs will become too much for their minds to comprehend, and they will collapse and fall unconscious. After all three Fruity Long Legs are Awakened, they are able to recognize each other again as normal, and snap out of their abnormal confused state.

Once the three Fruity Long Legs are all Awakened and regain consciousness from the battle, they will return the items they stole from the settlement and mutter weak apologies. At this point, they will offer to join the Diamond Settlement to make up for what they did, explaining that they have useful skills that would be very helpful to the settlement residents. After this, the trio will join the Diamond Settlement as residents and the rest of the day will proceed as normal. However, once night falls, shenanigans are quickly afoot once again. During the night, the Fruity Long Legs, now Awakened and even more devious in their thieving nature, all sneak into the Settlement storage buildings and grab as many valuables from them as they can, before again bolting into the Antarctic. This time, the trio will flee into the branches above the Trampled Tundra, which stretch out overhead from the nearby Otherworldly Woods.

The next morning, the Diamond Settlement's population awaken to find that, to their shock and horror, their secure storage buildings have been raided, and their valuables have been stolen! (The trio tried to steal a rubber duck too, but couldn't find one.) They quickly realize that the three new residents are missing as well, and it becomes pretty clear what happened, considering the nature of the Fruity Long Legs trio... Seems that not even Awakening them was enough to get them to stop their old tricks. At this point, the Fruity Long Legs trio must be tracked down again and captured, getting them to return the inventory they stole. After this, the Fruity Long Legs trio becomes a recurring group of pests, though they can eventually be befriended and then they will finally leave their thievery behind. Still, though, even after they become more friendly, they will retain their troublesome nature, often joking around and playing silly pranks all over the Diamond Settlement. This may lead the trio to team up with Frosty, who has a similar love for playing pranks. Ultimately, the trio become permanent members of the Diamond Settlement, if troublesome and immature ones.

As Diamond Settlement residents, Huey, Dewey, and Louie are quite silly and troublesome, taking few things seriously and being complete rascals. The three of them are inseparable and do everything together, and strongly resist any attempt to split them up for any reason. They are also quite intelligent, being very clever even before their Awakening, which only increased their tricky nature. In rare cases where a threat presents itself that is enough to make the trio take it seriously, the Fruity Long Legs will plan and work with the other residents of the settlement to find a means of dealing with the situation.

The Fruity Long Legs trio are all named after Huey, Dewey, and Louie, triplet cartoon characters appearing in Disney media such as comics and the television show DuckTales. Much like the Fruity Long Legs trio, the Disney duck triplets are known to be mischievous troublemakers who always stick together. Huey shares his name and color with the Disney character, while Dewey and Louie have colors that differ from the Disney characters sharing their names, with the Fruity Long Legs named Dewey being yellow, and the Fruity Long Legs named Louie being blue. The reason for this swapping of colors is that Louie's name is also a reference to Louie of the Pikmin series. All three Fruity Long Legs are quite similar to Louie as well, being incredibly troublesome and having a love for food, as well as resembling the trio that fills a similar role to Louie in Pikmin 3.3.

In Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back

PtASB Beady Long Legs icon.png
"Wait, there are more arachnorbs?!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back, a fanon game created by SwordsmachineGaming352.
PtASB logo.png
Fruity Long Legs The icon used to represent this enemy.
Fruity Long Legs.png
Scientific name Pseudoarachnia fructis
Family Arachnorb
Health 50k (all)
Attacks Burns, electrocutes, drowns, crushes, and punches Pikmin

The Fruity Long Legs appears in Pikmin: The Arachnorbs Strike Back as an elemental variant of Beady Long Legs. Huey, the red one, uses fire, Dewey, the yellow one, uses electricity, and Louie, the blue one, uses water, but all of them can crush and strike Pikmin.


Fruity Long Legs' comments

So, what's the best hazard? For me, it's fire. NUH-UH, it's light! NO, IT'S WATER!1!1 ...Oh yeah, well... WELL I... And you always...

Raging Long Legs' comments

Okay, that was funny.

Beady Long Legs' comments

For real.

Man-at-Legs' comments

On Overlord, it's too loud it's funny.

Diamond Long Legs' comments

Not going to lie, I wished they kept it up.

Groovy Long Legs Prime's comments

I hope they stop this nonsensical arguing about hazards.

User versions

Below this point is where users place their version of the Fruity Long Legs.

A Friendly Amprat's version

See: User:A Friendly Amprat
Fruity Long Legs The icon used to represent this enemy.
Fruity Long Legs.png
Scientific name Pseudoarachnia fructis
Family Arachnorb
Attacks Crushes Pikmin, expels hazards

The Fruity Long Legs are a subspecies of arachnorb that appear in different vibrant colorations. These arachnorbs are similar in appearance to the Beady Long Legs, though with differing coloration and only being about two thirds of the size. There are three different colored variants of Fruity Long Legs, and the three of them will always appear in a group, all stomping and attacking at the same time. Each Fruity Long Legs can also use a hazard matching its color, with the red Fruity Long Legs using fire, the yellow Fruity Long Legs using electricity, and the blue Fruity Long Legs using water. A Fruity Long Legs trio may appear in caves as bosses, but they are much more commonly encountered in above-ground areas, particularly those which contain lots of fruit.

Fruity Long Legs have a ravenous appetite for fruits, and are observed to seek out fruits and crush them into juice with their feet, drinking up the juice as they do so. Most arachnorbs are known to only eat thoroughly pulverized foods, not having digestive systems that can handle solid foods, and the Fruity Long Legs are no exception. The three different colored variants of Fruity Long Legs are observed to prefer different types of fruits, with the red variety preferring pome fruits and stone fruits such as apples and peaches, the yellow variety preferring citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, and the blue variety preferring berries and pepo fruits, such as grapes and strawberries. These different fruit preferences are the reason for the distinct color differences between the different Fruity Long Legs variants, which draw their color from what they eat.

Fruity Long Legs are observed to have a thieving nature, commonly stealing fruits from any other creatures that they come across and quickly making off with their loot. In Pikmin 3.3, a trio of Fruity Long Legs launches an attack on the S.S. Drake as soon as it touches down in the Ravenous Garden, knocking the ship over and causing it to spill out its entire juice inventory from the cargo hold (as well as Charlie's rubber ducky). The Koppaite crew jumps out of the ship to react to the sudden attack, but the Fruity Long Legs squad is already making off with the juice stash (and rubber duck) by the time the Koppaites can gather their Pikmin. Similar to the prior encounter with Louie, the Koppaites are left with no juice (and duckless) for a time until they are able to reach the Fruity Long Legs lair and reclaim their inventory, having to survive off of wild fruits in the area in the meanwhile. It typically takes three days to clear the Ravenous Garden's main story path and reclaim the juice, though less experienced Pikmin players may need an additional day or two to defeat the Fruity Long Legs trio, and speedrunners with advanced routing can complete the entire area in a single day.

The Fruity Long Legs is named after fruit, with the "-y" suffix to fit the pattern of most other arachnorb species such as the Shaggy Long Legs and Groovy Long Legs. Its scientific name is pseudoarachnia fructis, where fructis is Latin for "fruits".

The Fruity Long Legs trio of enemies were created in ‎August 2013, only a month after the release of Pikmin 3, and they have not changed much from their original concept. This first concept involved the trio appearing as an area boss in a Pikmin 3 DLC pack or sequel, where they would steal the Drake's juice supply, filling the same role as Louie in Pikmin 3 for this sequel/DLC. The Fruity Long Legs are one of the few Pikmin 3.3 area bosses that do not have the Pikmin 3 boss theme play while fighting them, similar to the Vehemoth Phosbat. Instead, the theme that plays when fighting them is a remixed version of Impending Doom, the Beady Long Legs' boss theme from Pikmin 1.


The Fruity Long Legs make for a much more challenging encounter compared to any other arachnorb fight, fitting their role as an area boss. Red Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, and Blue Pikmin are helpful due to each of them resisting a hazard harnessed by one of the three creatures, though their aggressive stomping can still put these Pikmin types in danger. Rock Pikmin are quite useful due to their immunity to crushing and their ability to be thrown directly into the heads of the Long Legs, dealing heavy damage. If using Rock Pikmin, make sure to take care to avoid the hazards that the Fruity Long Legs will launch. Winged Pikmin can provide an incredibly cheap way to defeat these creatures quickly, as a squad of 100 Winged Pikmin with ultra-spicy spray can be charged onto each creature's head at once, typically being able to deal well over half of an individual's health before being shaken off. Be careful when using Winged Pikmin to avoid hazards flying through the air and quickly whistle any Winged Pikmin that are knocked to the ground, so they are not crushed by the feet of the Fruity Long Legs trio. The best Pikmin to be used against the Fruity Long Legs are Bulbmin, which can be found hidden in various places throughout the Ravenous Garden. The maximum amount of Bulbmin that can be found on any given day is 20, and the fight is quite easy if all twenty have been collected, as they can only be harmed by the Fruity Long Legs' stomp attacks.

The three Fruity Long Legs will begin the fight by all falling in the center of the arena, before marching out in three different directions, keeping their movements in sync as they stomp around the field. This synchronization interestingly even affects their shaking, as if one of them stops to shake Pikmin off, the other two will stop and shake as well, even if they do not have Pikmin on them. This is actively detrimental, though, because whenever a Fruity Long Legs shakes, it will launch an elemental attack at a nearby leader shortly afterward. They may also use their elemental attacks at other times, such as before or after resting, which must also be considered in the fight. Once a Fruity Long Legs is reduced to half-health, its hazard defenses become unstable, causing it to "leak" a cloud of its hazard out of its head every time it begins resting. These clouds will fall to the ground under the creatures' heads, and spread out upon impacting the ground, covering the area underneath the Fruity Long Legs with hazardous terrain that will inflict any Pikmin beneath them with their respective hazards.

As the Fruity Long Legs become badly damaged, they will begin to flake and crumble apart, similar to the Beady Long Legs's visual appearance at low health. This causes them to become tired and "rest" more often, of course spilling clouds of their hazards onto the ground as they do so. At very low health, the Fruity Long Legs will rest nearly constantly, no longer taking steps and only alternating between resting and dropping hazard clouds, and shooting out their hazard projectiles between rests. This low-health state also causes the Fruity Long Legs to fall out of sync with the other Fruity Long Legs in the battle, which can lead to a more unpredictable encounter as the three bosses are no longer copying the actions of one another.

When each Fruity Long Legs is defeated, it will stop moving and stagger, before its head splits open and drops a bunch of stolen juice capsules, and then disintegrate into dust that is blown away in the wind. Each one will also drop one or more fruits upon its death, in addition to the juice capsules. Fruity Long Legs groups that are encountered besides the three of the Ravenous Garden do not drop juice capsules, as this is exclusive only to the Ravenous Garden boss trio that stole the Drake's juice supply.

Although it may at first seem smart to take out each Fruity Long Legs individually before moving onto the next one, it might actually be safer to bring them all down to small slivers of HP before finishing them all off in a short period of time. The reason for this is that after a Fruity Long Legs is slain, the other remaining ones will become furious, causing them to move at double speed and use their attacks twice as often for the remainder of the battle. This means that when one has been slain, the other two will move and attack twice as quickly, and when two have been slain, the single remaining one will move and attack at a staggering four times faster than its base speed. This can quickly spiral out of control with how aggressive the arachnorbs become, though this does also mean less feet and types of hazards to worry about, so it is a major trade-off in whether to kill the creatures individually or not.

Once the third and final Fruity Long Legs is slain, it will finally crumble into dust, often dropping some special collectible in addition to its other drops as a reward for completing the fight. This will finally end the chaotic Fruity Long Legs battle.


Alph's comments

Structural flaw: central orb
Weight: unknown
Though their circular bodies are fragile and hang lower than that of other creatures like this, they are pretty good at covering each other's weaknesses. If we could find a Pikmin type that resisted all elements, I feel like this would be a much easier fight.

Brittany's comments

UGH! The NERVE of these gross spiders, running off with all of our juice! This is just like what Louie did, all over again!! At least I got the satisfaction of beating them into a pulp at the end, unlike with Louie... That Hocotatian better watch his back.

Charlie's comments

When I see these three creatures working together as a single unit, I cannot help but be reminded of my own team. Though I admire the tactical prowess of the trio, they can of course never compare to the skill with which my own crew works together! If the Fruity Long Legs could understand me, I would suggest them to take a few teamwork courses at the Koppai Training Academy and brush up on their form!

Louie's comments

Despite the Fruity Long Legs disintegrating into a pile of dust upon death, its culinary potential is still legendary. The dust they leave behind makes for perfect seasoning, adding a delicious fruity taste to any dish! The yellow variety tastes the best, carrying a distinct citrus flavor. An absolute necessity for fruit-themed cuisene!

Olimar's comments

Like other members of the arachnorb family, the Fruity Long Legs is known to crush its food into paste using its heavy feet before it eats. The Fruity Long Legs specifically seeks out fruit to eat, though some in captivity have been observed to also eat vegetables. The coloration and natural defense mechanisms the creatures use bear a strong resemblance to the dweevil family, which has led some researchers to speculate that there may be poisonous and freezing varieties of Fruity Long Legs as well, although no such specimen has ever been discovered.

Dell's comments

The life of a Fruity Long Legs seems pretty fun. Run around with your friends, steal people's food, shoot fire and stuff at anyone who bugs you... Reminds me of the kids living down the street from me when I was a boy. Maybe these big critters are just a bunch of kids who never grew up.

Echo's comments

Summary report:
Danger level - 6.5/10
Primary risks - Crushing feet, chemical defense mechanisms, group tactics
Optimal countermeasures - Lure to a safe place with fruit
These creatures can prove quite a safety hazard to anyone in the vicinity. They won't go out of the way to attack you unless you're made of fruit, but they're well known to stomp through anything around in search of their meals, and they're real monsters when they're provoked. Thankfully, their one-track minds mean they're always looking for more fruit, so the best way to avoid a workplace incident is to grab some fruit and use it to lead them to wherever you want them to go.

Foxie's comments

Meh, I've seen scarier. Just a couple of run-of-the-mill elemental PNFauna. Their group tactics are pretty unique, but they're too dumb to make full use of them. No issue for an experienced explorer.

The President's comments

I wonder if I could get these three creatures to work for me. They remind me a lot of Louie, but... Probably more reliable.