Energy Ore

From Pikmin Fanon
Pikmin V icon.png
Pikmin V banner.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin V, a fanon game created by En Passant.
Pikmin V icon.png
Energy Ore The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number Unknown
Series Geology Series
Weight 1
Maximum carriers 1
Location Unknown

The Energy Ore is a treasure in Pikmin V. It is a pile of konpeitō; similarly to Dawn Pustules and Dusk Pustules, there are twenty pieces that are collected individually to make up the whole treasure.


Olimar's notes

Goodness… the ship told me that these were edible, so I tried one. I became hyper to the point that I couldn't even stand still! Afterward, I became so tired that it felt like my suit's stasis function had been activated. It brings back bad memories of my last visit here.

Sales pitch

Do you have a large project due tomorrow that you haven't even started? Then this is for you! Each of these crystals contains enough energy for several hours of frantic work, ensuring that you'll get whatever you need done.