User talk:Scruffy

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 14:34, 29 July 2016 by Scruffy (talk | contribs)

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There You Go

There you go. This Is Spiky`s Owner LoganPikmin 10:23, 29 July 2016 (EDT)

Done. Hope You Like.

There we go i just had to figure the coding and linking a bit. But it works. Your welcome. I will do it anytime for a friend like you. Let me know what you think. Bye. Scrufscruf.— I am LoganPikmin and meet my friend Spike Pikmin by Scruffy.png Spiky the Spike Pikmin.

Thank you again LoganPikmin! I'm working on the Snagmin render right now. Scruffy 10:34, 29 July 2016 (EDT)