Purple Bulborb

From Pikmin Fanon

Purple Bulborb

This variation of the Red Bulborb actually sleeps for 10 seconds after you begin attacking it.


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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
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Purple Bulborbs in PSI

These bulborbs are about the size of one on Pikmin 2's small Emperor Bulblaxes. They are actually female Red Bulborbs. They're heavy sleepers, so you can beat up on them from behind for a good couple of seconds before they start to retaliate. The problem is, once they've been woken up they won't go back to sleep. They'll just stand up on their legs and look around to make sure there's not a threat nearby. With their large mouths they can swallow many Pikmin at once, and after they take more than 50% of damage they'll begin to roar, which calls Bulborb Larva out of the ground to attack. This powerful creature could almost be considered a boss itself, but rather like certain powerful enemies in the first Pikmin games, it is more of a mini-boss. Portal-Kombat