Leaping Snagret

From Pikmin Fanon


Leaping Snagret
Leaping Snagret.jpg
Scientific name Shiropedes Insulto
Family Snavians
Areas Wastes of Longing
Caves To be added...
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 10
Seed worth 15
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Leaping Snagret lives in quicksand pits and dry, cracked ground. When your pikmin walk over or are thrown over them, they will dive out of the ground and fall back in, eating any pikmin it can get. It looks like a burrowing snagret, only its head is red and it has to large spikes on the top and bottom of its head, facing backwards. There are two ways to defeat it. Sometimes, when it is diving out of the ground, it will get stuck and you can swarm it. Also, if its in quicksand, Throwing a Tan Pikmin in to solidify it will launch it out and it will start flopping, much like a wogpole out of water, until it finds more quicksand to burrow into. Any part of the Leaping Snagret can be attacked. It is not advised to fight these, because it can be a long, hard, battle; and all they give you is 5 pikmin.

Pikmin: Wrath of Mr.B

In Pikmin: Wrath of Mr. B two leaping snagrets are found in the long grass in the Wastes of Longing in specific areas on odd numbered days. They now have a greenish body color and pale yellow head feathers, making them look somewhat like chickens. They dive out of the tall grass and get stuck headfirst in the ground for a bit before burrowing in, allowing you some free hits. After that they behave like burrowing snagrets , only weaker. If a pikmin is hit when it hits the ground, the pikmin will be stunned for a few seconds, rendering it useless, so keep away!