Mesoid family

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 15:32, 28 September 2021 by Sapphire7 (talk | contribs)

The Mesoid family is characterized by the tripodal, spider-like anatomy of its members.


Main article: Proto-Legs
The Proto-Legs.

Meso pseudoarachnia

Large predators that share characteristics with the true Arachnorbs, such as their habit of leaping onto passing Pikmin from above. They are able to scare Pikmin into a panic, then eat them at a leisurely pace.


Main article: Jewelbomb
File:Jewelbomb new.png
The Jewelbomb.

Meso fulgoris

Smaller Mesoids whose back leg is adapted into a prehensile claw, which they use to intercept Bomb-rocks placed by Pikmin and roll them back at them.

Extinguishing Elongflea

Main article: Extinguishing Elongflea
File:Extinguishing elongflea2.png
The Extinguishing Elongflea.

Scavalcarix extinguo

A roaming creature that does not actively attack Pikmin unprovoked, but leaves behind bubbling liquid with every step, making it a danger to non-Blue Pikmin regardless.