Forum:Godammit Wikia!

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Revision as of 23:10, 25 August 2010 by Gamefreak75 (talk | contribs)
Forums: Index > Watercooler > Godammit Wikia!

Fallen Angel Games.png
Sir Pikmin
TALK – Thursday, May 23, 2024
If you have been on the Community Central Wikia lately you will notice that they are changing how Wikia looks. And it's not just some optional thing, it's mandatory for everyone. There will not be an option to change back to Monaco, it's permanent. Now after all of almost every wikis' hard work in making a unique and cool custom skin, it's going down the drain and getting removed from existence. And the worst part is that they are acknowledging that nearly everyone who has commented on it hated it, and they do nothing about it!

Now I know that a regular non-admin user might not realize why I'm mad, because they have not done anything with MediaWiki and the skins. I personally have put over 10 hours in customizing the various Monaco skin features, and now they are going to be wasted! </rant>

Ok then, what do you all feel about the new skin change?

This sucks, especially since Greenpickle and Blueninjakoopa were testing out a sweet new skin for he Kirby Wikia. --User:Gamefreak75/Sig