Lapis Lazuli Skyhopper

From Pikmin Fanon
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WraithOmniverseLogo.png Pikmin: Global Breakdown
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Global Breakdown, a fanon game created by Zoadra.
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Lapis Lazuli Skyhopper The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Skyhopper
Attacks Drowns Pikmin, alerts enemies

Lapis Lazuli Skyhoppers are small creatures that resemble blue blobs. They constantly hop around a small area, blowing bubbles and squirting water when harmed. As they jump around, they may intentionally lure enemies to them and keep them distracted until a larger danger should come near, such as a group of Pikmin, where they will lead the enemy over to the Pikmin. They may also lead nearby Pikmin into hazards or harmful obstacles, often killing themselves in the process. If no such dangers are nearby, the Lapis Lazuli Skyhopper may jump from Pikmin to Pikmin to knock them down and keep them distracted should another enemy come by to devour them. They are very easy to kill, only requiring a few hits from a Pikmin or a single punch from a leader, but might be tricky to hit because of their small size and how quickly they can dodge.