Serene Terrace

From Pikmin Fanon
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The Crash Site is the starting area in Pikmin: Return to the Distant Planet where the protaganist, Sagittarius Crash Lands after being struck by a meteor. Here, the player learns(or relearns) how to control pikmin.

First Day

The first day the player recieves a small tutorial on how to control pikmin. After that, the player can explore around until they push a wieght(20), making a path from a slope, leading to a giant tree trunk. At the bottem of the slope, the player can find the Main Engine of the Dolphin 2.0, and Sagittarius states:

"I've found the Main Engine! This important piece was givin to me by my father. This part used to be his ship's part, the S.S. Dolphin, but he later gave it to me as a kid when he bought a stronger engine... Ah, the memories..." After the player installs the Engine into the Dolphin 2.0, the day cuts to sunset and the day ends.

Days Afterwards

After the first day the area stays much the same, with a goolix appearing in the trunk on uneven days, mamuta on even days, and an Emporer Bulblax appearing in the sand arena every 10th day.

In Challenge mode

Bingo Battle: There are randomly generating cherries in different areas, but not in the beach. There are also bulborbs and bulblaxes that spawn off camera, although this could bug, making a bulborb/bulblax spawn right behind you.

Sprout Challenge: There are Pellets in the trunk along with 3 mamutas. There are also 2 Pearly Clamclamps and 1 Golden Clamclamp in the beach area.