Pikmin: The Tripe of the Distant Planet

Pikmin S the tripe of the distant planet

Introduction The story begins as a young pikmin named Blassa is trying to survive in a tripe called the Blamins, in hope for him to become prince of his tripe. However this is no easy feat, since to even get even close to royalty ranks. A lot must be done. Can he possibly become prince, for the sake of protecting his family?

Chapter 1 A Heroic Mist

Help! cried a pikmin as she was being chased by a common cutter beetle. Blassa came charging as fast as light, pulling up his leaf and angles it in fighting position, and jumping as high as a wollywog, toward his enemy. He uses his strength, to try flip it over, and indeed it fell over. Blassa bashed his leaf as fast he could while putting some punches into the mix. The cutter beetle recovered and flung him all the way on the over side of the village. Everyone grab each other, in fright that this was the end... but as the common cutter beetle came charging towards him saying "You picked with the wrong guy pluck head!" Blassa thankfully recovered and he stood there, with confidence... waiting for the next move. He grabed a stick and quickly shot it out like a javelin, The commen cutter beetle got caught and quickly fliped over, and its shell broke off like nothing, landing in dead zone part of his body. Pikmin from all over were shocked, by this sudden change in the events, and actually they realized that it would the cutter beetle will be the one for the end. "Who.... arrre youu..?" said the cutter beetle faintly. "The guy you shouldn't have picked to mess with" Blassa said boldly. He lifted his leaf bright and slammed his leaf down straight on the head like thunder. "Arragh" the creature screeched before he dropped dead. After a moment of silence, Blamins shed their tears and came running towards Blassa and lift him up and the air crying and screaming with joy. He said out loud, Ha am I not helpful. But a bash in the head was to end his.... hopeful mist.

Chapter 2 Coping with daily life

Wake up Blassa says a blurry Pikmin Figure from his eyes. " Argh haah "He said as his vision recovered, and he realized who it was. It was the chief of the Blamin! "Oh ha hello Cheif," "What the bla ya doing," "sleeping on the job." "Now wake up now or else serious things are going to be happening!" "Alright" Blassa said with a sign. His job was no easy feat. In order to support his family, he must lift heavy rocks for making not owned shelter. "Just one day I shall have my way. " he wispered. "The awesome heroic way." He lifted some heavy rocks for the new onions their trying to build. After awile, he was sent back home with some sweat, He prepared some nectar and his wife came by and asked "What wrong sweetheart?" "Nothing much i'm really tired from work." "So hows the adopting business going"? He asked. "Doing well" she said. "Thats a relief," "but I must ask you something" Do you think I "would be purposeless?" "No why would you say that?" "Its gets me thinking that all I am, is just a black pikmin who all his life, is making roads, Towers , Ect." "Don't think that," "Really" Blassa asked, "yes!" Blassa smiled and waved good bye. He thought to himself, she's right, if I tried, im sure I can do something that I always dreamed of. Blassa went outside to look for some arena, he might be able to train in. He found something similar, Blamin Strike Match. "Alright here it goes" he said boldly and charged in there like no tomorrow.

Chapter 3 Strength Daredevil

Blassa entered the core of the arena, hoping to find some opponent. He found somebody named Jack, since the name was a imprinted on his body. He looked like a very strong warrior. He oddly had some features that no other pikmin usually had. He had huge muscles, in other words, his arms were as thick as a citrus lump. "Yo Jack" Blassa screamed. Jack turned and got real close to him and looked like he was the strongest pikmin on the block. Unfortunately for him ... Blassa will soon realized that he was one of the regional champions. "Want to fight" Blassa said confidentiality. "You truly want to dare me punk" Jack shouted with a mix of grunts. "Well sure how hard could you be" Blassa said boldly. Jack smiled back and said "Look I battle ya but be warned, unless you some secret bulk in that skinny pile of junk." "Your bound to lose punk and don't go crying to your mommy when you lose" "The least you could do, is at least leave after your lost proud like a man" "Shut up and bring it on" Blassa replied back with grunts. Ooohs came from the crowd. "You got a lot gut to say what you said, bring it on" Jack said as more ooohs could be heard as Blassa left out of the arena proudly. He than went home to tell the news. When he returned home, he came to his wife and his wife said with a question, "don't you look tough, what the news?" "Haven't you heard" "Im battling the arena." "Oh who are you challenging?" She asked. "Jack!" he said with boldness. She dropped her cup in astonishment. "Jack!" she said. "Your a mad man" she said with fear. "What's wrong you think im going to lose?" he questioned. "Um Blassa do you know who Jack is?" "No not really." "Jack is one of the regional champions!" "What!" "Yeah..." she replied. "Oh man what am I going to do?" "Well not trying to be a smart butt, but did you not realize, the 6 pack, the scars, and even the tattoos." "Yeah maybe I should have realized." Now that I think about it, it was kind of obvious. "Well what am I suppose to do?" he questions. "Have you thought about...you know... forfeiting the match?" "Um how should I put this, I kind of.... ticked him off" "Well how should I say this...your screwed." She blurted. "Oh man im so screwed!" Blassa screamed.

To be continued