Forum:Privacy policy change

From Pikmin Fanon
Forums: Index > Onion Complex > Privacy policy change

Alright, so I need to bring up the topic about our Privacy Policy. I have looked at other wikis' Privacy Policies and it seems that our wiki's is... stricter. That is, it is disallowing certain personal information. Also, I would like to note that these websites are considerably larger than our miniscule site, and are consequently more vulnerable. In other words, what I am saying is since our website is so tiny, not many people know about it, and an extremely tiny fraction of those people may be cyber-stalkers or something. So, we are pretty much safe.

While I do realize that a Privacy Policy like that may be more suitable for a larger website, I do not think it is so suitable for Pikmin Fanon, due to its minute size (see my reasoning above). Therefore, I talked with Wraith about it, we had some disagreements, but we came to the conclusion, yes, I can change it. I was lacking one crucial component: the community's opinion. In my view, everything (well... mostly everything) should have an opinion and/or comments from the community, because I think that if the entire community is involved, it will make Pikmin Fanon a better place.

So now, our Privacy Policy is very strict — it disallows, according to the Privacy Policy itself, a user's middle and last name, a user's city, zip Code, address or general location, a picture of the user, a user's age; a user's grade in school, and a user's phone number. The biggest concern I have with is age. Why is age disallowed? All it is doing is confirming how many years a user has been alive. The others I can understand, but other websites allow those too, so I have mild concerns about those as well. I just want to adjust it to a more community-friendly approach.

So, please voice in your comments and opinions. I want to hear what the community thinks. User:PikminFanatic23/sig2


  • ~ I'm DRIGIBUGRocky Dirigibug icon.png313 and I approve this explosion. - Per PikminFanatic's statements.
  • Pikmar.jpg I'm 13pikmar, and, oh no! Not again!- I totally agree!

