The President's Adventure/Piklopedia

The game President's Adventure features his own Piklopedia Of Enemies, that contain The President's analysis over different enemy species. There's also the analysys of The President's airship, Mayor, that is, mostly, a strategy to kill that particular enemy. It takes defeating one of that specie to record data about it.

Red Pikmin

President's Notes

My very first adventure partner, I must say, Red Pikmin do make me intrigued. How can these tiny creatures be as strong as a wrestler? Always carrying stuff there, jumping on a Red Bulborb's back here... It's a lot of work for such a small little man. And what about the resistance to fire? This means I can put one of those in a oven and it won't come out as a piece of meat? Interesting... Interesting...

Mayor's Notes

Red Pikmin, one of the many Pikmin species. Following his color symbol, the Red Pikmin evolved a resistance to fire and fire spitter or fire burning enemies. Looking stronger then any other kind of Pikmin, it's surprising to see one of those to take on enemies ten times his size. Maybe there's more information about the Red Pikmin still to be discovered, but what can we say about this tiny little squad? They, in scientific ways, rock.

Yellow Pikmin

President's Notes

Yellow as the sun, there's no bad situation to meet the Yellow Pikmin. Their fun size is a way of amusement, but anyone might be impressed when they see the Yellow Pikmin fly. Crossing the skies like an arrow, if I throw a Yellow Pikmin over my house's roof, I think it'll reach the other side. There's absolutely no limitations for this wild explorer.

Mayor's Notes

Yellow Pikmin, one of the many Pikmin species. Following his color symbol, the Yellow Pikmin evolved a resistance to electricity and enemies based on that element. They also seem to be thrown higher then other Pikmin, what is intriguing. My last researches don't quite proof that their body density is lighter, but nature points out that Yellow Pikmin do have changes in his body format to suit reaching higher areas.

Blue Pikmin

President's Notes

When I was a child, I was afraid of getting into the water. It always creep me out. But after meeting the Blue Pikmin, my fear was gone. If this mighty little creatures can take deep swims, I can too, right? I felt the glory. Stepping for the first time into the "weatness" of the wide ocean with my Blue Pikmin partners by my side. Drowning. No fear. Blue Pikmin is here.

Mayor's Notes

Blue Pikmin, one of the many Pikmin species. Following his color symbol, the Blue Pikmin evolved a resistance to water and enemies based on that element. Also, and what's supposed to be the most surprising fact, Blue Pikmin are immune to water. They can search through weat areas and don't drown. Impressive as it looks like, Blue Pikmin also acts like a hero. If a non-swimmer Pikmin takes a step ahead, Blue Pikmin can easily save them with his fish like skills.

Purple Pikmin

President's Notes

My personification of Pikmin. Burly and strong. Hopefull and happy. It is joyfull to explore a deep dark cave with your Purple Pikmin by your side. It can take heavy charges, as well as heavy enemies. There's no boundaries for a Purple Pikmin's body, and heart. Powerfull, but funny. Strong, but loving. Pikmin, but Purple.

Mayor's Notes

Purple Pikmin, one of the many Pikmin species. Breaking the laws that purple is a feminin color, the Purple Pikmin, regardless what said, is a strong one. There is no charge that this burly looking like Pikmin can't hold, carry, or take. My researches points out that the Purple Pikmin are only grown in Candypops because the flower, by it's own, carry nutrients that give him the ability to be as stronger as it can.

White Pikmin

President's Notes

Does it come with a night glasses? Or it's just a disco look? Well, the White Pikmin do carry his mysteryes, huh? I won't lie, it kinda freaks me out. A Pikmin with red eyes? Is it revenge his life essense? Or is a hidden motive, that lures inside his deep red eyes? Poison free, the White Pikmin is a one of a kind to be involved with, am I right?

Mayor's Notes

White Pikmin, one of the many Pikmin species. Nobody knows the reason for his red eyes, but speculations says that, within his red eyelids, hides the ability to see the underground and find whatever hides in there. It also has, maybe, a special body formula, that gives it full immunity to poison. May many mysteryes lurk the White Pikmin, but me, the undefeatable machine, shall discover them all.

Gold Pikmin

President's Notes

Rich! I'm rich! Haha! No? No... Wrong deal. Well, if it isn't a trick! Gold Pikmin, what should I say? If Pikmin are more evolved then humanity it's own, I do hope to see one day golden people. Otherwise rare, a fellow Gold Pikmin is not one to throw away, no. Maybe it can't be sell for Pokos, what is a shame, but his eye catching color is a conversation topic.

Mayor's Notes

Gold Pikmin, one of the many Pikmin species. Nobody knows or nobody can explain why Gold Pikmin look like that. Their body is actually made of gold, but it is lighter and faster then some living gold species. I took a research on the Candypop Gold Pikmin come from, but there's was nothing there. Nature, bravo! Gold Pikmin is a undeniable mystery to be solved.


President's Notes

Back to the glory days! I remember just like it was yesterday that me, baby President, was playing Super Mario Brothers and had a blast with the Tanooki Suit. But what or who can explain why universes cross over? When, how and why Pikmin manage to get a Tanooki Suit? And the skills come with it too? I wonder why, when I dress my Tanooki costume, I don't get the powers, right?

Mayor's Notes

Tanookimin, one of the many Pikmin species. Science is one who had failed to explain how Pikmin managed to learn the skills of the Tanooki Suit. They only come genetically, but nobody knows the brilliant mind that managed to breed the Pikmin with... A tanooki? No, that's crazy talk. Maybe Mario had given those Pikmin a little tip. Who knows?

Skull Pikmin

President's Notes

Back from the dead, the Skull Pikmin is a scary discovery. Why those weird little bones get formed into a Pikmin looking like body? And, the best of it, it never dies! If all body parts are collected again, the Skull Pikmin may return... Again, from the dead. All this new Pikmin species and no reasonable explanation. I'm fully intrigued.

Mayor's Notes

Skull Pikmin, one of the many Pikmin species. Speculations say that a walking soul of a dead Pikmin shall return if it don't find his way into the light. That way, Skull Pikmin. They come from dead enemies bodies, but a Red Bulborb do have many bones and articulations. They will come rotten, and, when it's bones are exposted, a soul may find his way into puzzling out the shape of a live Pikmin's body.

Red Bulborb

President's Notes

Yikes! A giant red living snail with not all common characteristics come to attack me? Surprised my Pikmin partners where there to save me from doom. What a weird looking creature. Legs, and no arms? A giant mouth, but no ears? And, apparently, no nose? And no hands? God, have hands! Seeing my Pikmin being eaten by this huge creature and won't be raptured by his claws is absolute torture.

Mayor's Notes

Red Bulborb, an enemy species from the Grub-Dog family. Born without hands, but with fast legs and scary jaws, the Red Bulborb may be the primogeny of the Bulborb family. The most common type of it's own species, the Red Bulborb breed in a fast speed. They're always back in their places the next day, and my researches points out that Dwarf Red Bulborb do come out being child Red Bulborbs. Later, they may grown into it's adult form. Another one of nature's explanation is that, whenever Dwarf Red Bulborb are seen with Red Bulborb, it's a family's father taking it's children to learn how to hunt. This all may look a lot nice if it wasn't for Red Bulborb's agressivity, always coming on a target. They also seem to have a high sleep rate, and like to take short to long naps in public spaces.

Strategy demands to attack the Red Bulborb from behind, throwing Pikmin into his bare and big back. Helpless and probably confused, the Red Bulborb will do everything to throw your Pikmin to his front, where he will be able to eat it without pidy. Strategy also demands to always attack a Red Bulborb with large swarms of Pikmin. Small groups may be just his desambiguation for "dinner".