Enchanted Shore Series

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"You… your evil subordinate, your greedy boss, and this invasive Pikmin infestation will all die here TODAY!!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Decayed Leaf, a fanon game created by Soundwave.
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The Enchanted Shore Series is a series of treasures in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. They have a tropical theme, as they are found in a beach area. The treasures themselves are mainly fruits.


Blonde Imposter

Blonde Imposter The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 1
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 100 (50 each)
Weight 5
Maximum carriers 10
Location Enchanted Shore

The Blonde Imposter is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. They are two slices of a kiwi, which are usually found in the same sublevel together.


Olimar's notes

There are a lot of fruits in the Enchanted Shore, and this kiwi is one of them. If you peel off its skin, there’s a delicious fruit flesh beneath it. Maybe I’ll give it a taste... surely it won’t affect the product quality...

Ship’s pitch

Don’t judge a fruit by its cover! This hairy spectacle will give your tastebuds a run for their money!

Overlord’s thoughts

The kiwi is like the humans of fruits. Hairy on the outside, mushy on the inside. Actually, that sounds weird.

Citrus Lump

Citrus Lump The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 2
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 125
Weight 15
Maximum carriers 35
Location Enchanted Shore

The Citrus Lump is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The treasure is a tangerine.


Olimar's notes

I remember finding a fruit like this when I first explored the Emergence Cave, one of the first caves I ever spelunked on this planet. This fruit brings back some... crazy memories. It’s kind of nostalgic seeing one of these, really.

Ship’s pitch

A fruit with so much citric acid it can power your car! It also makes it smell good too!

Overlord’s thoughts

Tangerines aren’t my favorite orange out of the orange catalog, but they get a pass in my book. I like the bigger oranges more, they’re a lot more juicy.

Combustion Berry

Combustion Berry The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 3
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 80
Weight 12
Maximum carriers 24
Location Enchanted Shore

The Combustion Berry is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The treasure is a large strawberry, similar to the Sunseed Berry.


Olimar's notes

So many seeds on this thing. I can see why Koppaites always liked the strawberry plant the most. I have to admit, it tastes really good, too. Maybe I’ll start cultivating some of my own strawberry plants.

Ship’s pitch

Sunseed Berries too small? Well, buy this product to get double the size and double the taste!

Overlord’s thoughts

Eating a whole berry when I’m Captain Olimar’s size makes me feel like a greedy pig... no offense to pigs, of course. I just feel so bloated, and I crash hard on all of that natural sugar.

Crimson Banquet

Crimson Banquet The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 4
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 1,000 (250 per slice)
Weight 200 (50 per slice)
Maximum carriers 200
Location Enchanted Shore

The Crimson Banquet is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The treasure is a large watermelon, which may split into four slices if broken.


Olimar's notes

Goodness! This fruit is massive! Of course, only the most massive creatures like the Pyro Phoenix or Quaggled Mireclops would snack on such a treat. This thing could probably feed an entire Hocotation city.

Ship’s pitch

You ever need a delicious dessert for those awkward family reunions? Crack open this fruit and dig into its juicy, red insides!

Overlord’s thoughts

Roll this at a couple of bananas for some fruit bowling. You gotta find some form of entertainment on this planet when you’re the only guardian of it. I don’t think Bulborbs appreciate the art of fruit bowling.

Cupid Grenade

Cupid Grenade The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 5
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 25
Weight 3
Maximum carriers 6
Location Enchanted Shore

The Cupid Grenade is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The treasure is a small cherry. They not only function as a treasure, but as a way to obtain abilities in 2-Player Cherry Battle.


Olimar's notes

Cupid Grenade. So it explodes? What if this fruit explodes and releases a gas that makes anyone fall in love when they inhale it? It makes so much sense now! That, or the ship is kinda abstract when it comes to naming treasures.

Ship’s pitch

A fruit that explodes in your mouth with flavor! Note: Doesn’t actually explode.

Overlord’s thoughts

Watching the little animals feed on cherries that I give them is a pretty good pastime. You ever see a horde of Pikmin go to town on a cherry? It’s very interesting.

Dapper Blob

Dapper Blob The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 6
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 40
Weight 3
Maximum carriers 6
Location Enchanted Shore

The Dapper Blob is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The treasure is a freshly plucked mangosteen.


Olimar's notes

I haven’t collected a fruit like this when I visited this planet in the past. I noticed that this fruit is exceptionally rare to come by. The price doesn’t reflect that, however...

Ship’s pitch

A rare, exotic fruit that’s hard to come by. Only the richest of Hocotations can try this culinary delight!

Overlord’s thoughts

I never tried a mangosteen before. To be honest, it looks like a hybrid of an eggplant and a plum. I wonder if the radiation on this planet created any new hybrid fruits. I’d have to go fruit spotting.

Delectable Bouquet

Delectable Bouquet The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 7
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 70
Weight 7
Maximum carriers 14
Location Enchanted Shore

The Delectable Bouquet is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The treasure is a fig, and is normally found hanging off an object.


Olimar's notes

This fruit isn’t anything special, to be honest. I tried it, and I’d prefer anything else than this fruit. It’s just bland and mediocre. Why are we collecting this to sell it?

Ship’s pitch

One is always searching for a bland and boring fruit for the elderly. This fruit fits that criteria, and is easy to eat too!

Overlord’s thoughts

You can use this for a filling in fig bars, those are pretty good. That’s pretty much it, the fig is a very... underwhelming fruit.

Disguised Delicacy

Disguised Delicacy The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 8
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 180 (90 each)
Weight 10
Maximum carriers 20
Location Enchanted Shore

The Disguised Delicacy is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. The treasure is a kiwi fruit, and is found in two halves.


Olimar's notes

More of these hairy fruits with juicy insides. This one’s green, with a different flavor. How many species of these fur fruits are there? Maybe there’s a hairless one, like the hairless variant of Bulbie’s kind.

Ship’s pitch

This delicacy hides underneath an unassuming, hairy disguise! The perfect defense against those coworkers that eat your food out of the lounge fridge.

Overlord’s thoughts

Looks like a kiwi bird. Wait a minute...

Dawn Pustule

Dawn Pustule The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 9
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 200 (10 per grape)
Weight 20 (1 per grape)
Maximum carriers 20 (1 per grape)
Location Enchanted Shore

The Dawn Pustule is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. It is a small bunch of green grapes, which are picked off by Pikmin one at a time to be collected.


Olimar's notes

Today I found a large cluster of small fruits. The Pikmin picked them off one at a time to collect them. Further study shows that this thing is filled with delicious juices. Though it’s more sour than other colorations of this fruit.

Ship’s pitch

The early bird gets the worm! Or in this case, the grapes! A large vine of these fruits can help you start your day!

Overlord’s thoughts

I like the purple grapes more. Never really liked green grapes. Green grapes green grapes green grapes... talk about a tongue twister…

Dusk Pustule

Dusk Pustule The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 10
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 200 (10 per grape)
Weight 20 (1 per grape)
Maximum carriers 20 (1 per grape)
Location Enchanted Shore

The Dusk Pustule is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. It is a small bunch of purple grapes, which are picked off by Pikmin one at a time to be collected.


Olimar's notes

This variation of vine cluster fruit has a juicier taste than its green counterpart. It’s not as liked as the green version, well according to the Pikmin, at least. They love the green grapes.

Ship’s pitch

Need a midnight snack? This is for you! Pop a few of these fruits to eat and watch you fall asleep!

Overlord’s thoughts

My favorite fruit! Purple grapes are delicious, I wish I could cover the world in fields of grape vines. Well... I could... but I won’t! I will not harm my ecosystem... but...

Face Wrinkler

Face Wrinkler The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 11
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 100
Weight 5
Maximum carriers 10
Location Enchanted Shore

The Face Wrinkler is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. It's a bright yellow lemon.


Olimar's notes

Don't eat this. Don't even try. Like most things in life, it has a vibrant outside, but the inside is truly sour and deadly. That seems to be a recurring thing with life on this planet.

Ship’s pitch

Squeeze all of the juice inside of this fruit into the drink of someone you hate the most: an annoying cousin, a greedy coworker, their reaction will be priceless!

Overlord’s thoughts

Very few people that come across this fruit know how to use it well in food. Except for that Louie kid. It just wouldn't be a problem if he stopped COOKING MY ANIMALS–

Fire-Breathing Feast

Fire-Breathing Feast The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 12
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 500
Weight 20
Maximum carriers 40
Location Enchanted Shore

The Fire-Breathing Feast is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. It is a large dragonfruit.


Olimar's notes

Such a giant and colorful fruit! And it's covered in spikes too! Surely, this mustn't be a fruit. It might be the long-lost egg of a giant, ancient reptile that has gone extinct eons ago. We just need to incubate it. Actually, I don't want to release whatever is inside of this thing...

Ship’s pitch

A massive explosion of flavorful flames in your mouth will make you breathe fire like a true dragon! It even has natural spikes to protect your fruit from greedy thieves.

Overlord’s thoughts

The ancient ones considered this fruit a rare delicacy. I mean, obviously. Look at it. Guess it's not too rare now, considering nobody is trying to get it. Because they're all dead.

Hairy Fashionista

Hairy Fashionista The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 13
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 75
Weight 4
Maximum carriers 8
Location Enchanted Shore

The Hairy Fashionista is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. It's a maroon rambutan.


Olimar's notes

Look at all the hair on this thing. Maybe the president can shave off some of the hair of this fruit, so he can have some for his head... hehe...

...does he read these notes?

Ship’s pitch

Come and see it now! The first fruit-cheese-hair hybrid! Hair on the outside! Fruit for the skin! And in the middle, a small ball of cheese! Think I'm lying? Come and try it for yourself now!

Overlord’s thoughts

This is a fruit? I thought it was... no. Forget it.

Heroine's Tear

Heroine's Tear The icon used to represent this treasure.
Number 14
Series Enchanted Shore
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 120
Weight 15
Maximum carriers 35
Location Enchanted Shore

The Heroine's Tear is a treasure in Pikmin: Decayed Leaf. It's a large mango.


Olimar's notes

This is the tear from a massive creature that has solidified into a beautiful, smooth mass. Why was it crying? Perhaps, there were predators even larger than it. Predators that would easily eat me up. Predators that I should stop thinking about if I want to get some sleep tonight...

Ship’s pitch

Peel back the skin to see the true, saddening form of this fruit. It's an experience that unravels layer by layer to tell a dramatic story that only your tastebuds can interpret!

Overlord’s thoughts

Everyone loves a good mango. Who doesn't? And if you say you don't, then you have no tastebuds. Or maybe you're a mandiblard. They don't like mangoes, no matter how much I try to get them to eat it.