Sloshscalder Groink

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Sloshscalder Groink
Family Shot-fish

The Sloshscalder Groink is a species of shot-fish that can shoot both water and fire-based projectiles.

In Pikmin: New Frontiers

Pikmin: New Frontiers
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: New Frontiers, a fanon game created by Reginald-Bulbazorp.
Sloshscalder Groink The icon used to represent this enemy.
PNF Sloshscalder Groink.png
Scientific name Megaplod perfuigniculi
Family Shot-fish
Areas None
Caves Steam Cycle
Attacks Burns and drowns Pikmin, fires explosive mortar shells

The Sloshscalder Groink is a large shot-fish that appears in Pikmin: New Frontiers. Like other species of shot-fish, it has biomechanical properties such as a pair of pipe-like structures on its back, a facial shield, what looks to be metallic armor, and a retractable turret-like mouth. Its body is covered in blue scales and its facial shield is bright magenta and curves downward in the middle due to the presence of its most prominent feature, a large nuchal hump on its forehead. It is capable of firing both water and fire-based projectiles with the light blue markings on its body changing to reflect what attack it's about to use; light blue for water and orange for fire. It is the boss of the cave, Steam Cycle.

Because of its use of both fire and water attacks, having either Red Pikmin or Blue Pikmin is beneficial but not necessarily required as long as its attacks are avoided. It has an attack pattern of spitting shots of water high into the air, then rapidly shooting fiery mortar shells while aiming at the active leader and any Pikmin within its range. The water shots rain down and can drown Pikmin, but are also accompanied by shadows that indicate where they will land. The fiery mortar shells will kill any Pikmin in the center of the blast and will set any non-fire resistant Pikmin in the blast radius on fire. As it loses health, the rate of its attacks becomes faster. It can be defeated by throwing Pikmin directly at it. At around half-health, after doing its mortar attack, it starts to expel steam and becomes temporarily immobilized due to overheating, creating a convenient attack opportunity.