Pikmin: The Planet of Hope

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 07:05, 7 July 2023 by Papernoggin43 (talk | contribs) (Added creature logs for bulborb, Mamuta and waterwraith.)

Pikmin: The Planet Of Hope

Pikmin: The Planet Of Hope is a 2023 pikmin game developed by Nintendo. The game features all previous pikmin types, along with (puffmin and bulbmin included),Some new ones.

The game follows three new characters, being Miles,Alex and Ava, on a mission to rescue Olimar and Louie, and to repair their ship.


The game opens with each of the three characters stating why they are going to the distant planet, Miles stating they wish to meet Olimar, Alex to explore new land, and Ava to find treasures and observe the wildlife. Then, the player switches to Olimar’s perspective, showing him and Louie landing on the planet. The player has no Pikmin at this present point. Olimar and Louie find a strange cave. Olimar seems eager to jump in, but Louie runs away at the sight of the cave. A paper bag falls on Louie’s head, knocking him out. Olimar, in the cave, encounters a Mamuta, which proceeds to battle him. Olimar loses, as he has no Pikmin, and the Mamuta dissolves into a strange black goo and surrounds Olimar as the screen fades to black. We then get perspective on our three heroes, who are revealed to have crashed. Miles is unconscious, and a group of Red Pikmin try to take him back to the onion. However, the onion is inactive, and the Pikmin cannot put him inside. He wakes up upon being hit against a wall, and the Pikmin surround him. He attempts to use his Whistle to scare them off, but he only brings them closer. Back against the wall, he tries whistling again, dismissing them. Miles tries to carry the onion by himself, and fails. The Pikmin then help him, which is when he befriended them. The onion spurts open, and the player needs to push a paper bag down with 30 pikmin, clearing the way. The day ends when Miles finds the S.S Geyser and leaves the planet. The onion follows him into the sky, and so do the pikmin.This section is incomplete.

Character’s wildlife notes.

Each character has their own notes on the wildlife.



Now you can’t tell me this guy doesn’t look cool and stupid at the same time. I mean, look at those sharp teeth, seriously, and those goofy looking eyes…

I’m getting off track- they are ferocious predators, so we better watch out!


And I thought Pikmin were the only powerful creatures that looked scrawny- But Seriously, I wonder what it tastes like. I hope there’s someone out there who knows…


How peculiar. This creature looks like if you put a slug and a mushroom in a blender. Oh, mix in some crocodile too! Oh boy, I SO want to bring one home, but I’m scared it’ll eat me!



If these things could kill, I’d be afraid, but they only punch Pikmin back into the ground. So they’re little more than an annoyance. I thought I would let it live, but my Pikmin had other plans…


…So I’m the only one who tried to take a bite, and chipped my tooth?


Harmless, absolutely harmless.

but they CAN do damage to you, so that’s a big problem. Still, this one had an onion in its grasp, so maybe it was for the better…



I’ve heard from famous explorers that this one is super deadly. Rock Pikmin are immune to crushing, so- Oh, it crushes them deeper, so they suffocate. Right. Still deadly.


I’m thirsty. This looks refreshing!



…Can I stop hiding now?

Yes? Oh, ok. This thing makes me nervous every time I spend too long in a dungeon.

I’m never going swimming again.