Forum:Pikmin Engine by Espyo

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 16:59, 1 January 2023 by Espyo (talk | contribs) (Pikifen 0.23.1 is out!)
Forums: Index > Onion Complex > Pikmin Engine by Espyo
For archived discussions, see Forum:Pikmin Engine by Espyo/Archive.

Use this thread to discuss Pikifen. This thread will also cover updates.

Version 0.19

Happy birthday, Pikifen! The engine is now 7 years old. As a birthday gift, I bring you version 0.19! This version doesn't change the gameplay much, but it brings massive changes to the editors. First and foremost, they now use Dear ImGui for the widgets. With this, everything is more streamlined, easier to develop for, and more feature-rich. Plus it looks sleeker. Next up, certain object types can show you tips as well as widgets to let you change special properties with, edges can now be deleted for a new way of deleting sectors, sectors can now be split, and a bunch more editor features have been added! Another very important change is that the engine now includes a user manual. This manual contains the changelog, editing tutorials, and more information. So to see the full changelog of this version, please download the engine, and check the changelog page in the manual. As usual though, you can find the download link here. Enjoy!

Oh, and a quick note: I'll be removing some Pikifen-related pages from this wiki, since the manual covers that already. — {EspyoT} 16:07, 15 August 2020 (EDT)

About Pikifen

Is it easy to use? (She/Her) LongTailCat3 (talk)

Of course! Why don't you download it and give it a try? — {EspyoT} 20:39, 24 April 2021 (UTC)

Version 0.20

Version 0.20 is out! Initially this update was going to be much bigger, but I figured it was best to split it into three. So, this version focuses on menus! There is now a menu in which to manage the Onions (and ships that store Pikmin), a pause menu, and a results menu for when you finish playing an area. Since areas have no goal right now, you can use the statistics presented in the results menu to go for a high Pikmin count, low Pikmin death, all enemy knockout, and more! Menus in general are also more unified, better looking, and more powerful. The Master Onion has also been added, since now Onions can manage multiple Pikmin types at once. Several minor things have also been added and improved, so make sure to check out the changelog in the manual included with the engine. As usual, you can download 0.20 here. Enjoy! — {EspyoT} 20:39, 24 April 2021 (UTC)

Version 0.21

Version 0.21 is out! This update adds Rock Pikmin! Now, some time ago, I had said Winged Pikmin would be too complex, and their flight would be too hard to represent in a top-down format. But over time I realized that they work like regular Pikmin, but can just be given free vertical movement when going places. Also, they can just be given a penchant for staying some units above floor level, when idling or following a leader. As for representation, well, they're Winged Pikmin -- they're always flying! There's no real need to show if they're on the floor, slightly floating, or very high up, since the vast majority of the time they'll be flying at the same distance above the floor, and all other cases are pretty intuitive. So after some weeks and a lot of work, I'm happy to say I was wrong, and that Winged Pikmin have now been added too! You can't have these Pikmin without something for them to do, so I've added Skutterchucks, Puffy Blowhogs, crystals, flukeweeds, and more. And you can't have Pikmin 3 Pikmin without Pikmin 3 leaders, so I've also added Alph, Brittany, Charlie, and the S.S. Drake! And you can't have all main Pikmin types without finishing the list, so I've added Bulbmin! And you can't have Bulbmin without their parent, so I've added adult Bulbmin too! Finally, this update also brings some major improvements to object behaviors and the cursor, and some new controls. As per usual, check out the full changelog in the included manual. Get version 0.21 here! — {EspyoT} 19:19, 22 October 2021 (UTC)

Fantastic job as always. This project has come a long way. If I may add some feedback, I have noticed how empty the sounds are, with very few sfx and no music. I am sure this is because you cannot use copyrighted materials, which is probably the reason the Pikmin sfx seems homemade. However, I will say that I make music, and have made some Pikmin music in the past. Perhaps I could make a soundtrack, one simple looping song for use in the engine. I could make it an original composition as well, considering it is probably legally tenuous to use the melodies from the franchise. Let me know if you are interested in this proposal. User:Wraith/sig 19:09, 23 October 2021 (UTC)
Of course! Indeed, copyrighted sounds are a no, in my book. The entire sound system is by far the weakest point of the engine right now, but version 0.24 aims to resolve that. By that point I'll go through the effort of adding more and better sounds, code a nice and powerful sound managing system, and add music. I will also want to compose some songs myself, but I'll be more than happy if other people want to compose some tracks to add to the engine as well. In the next update, 0.22, I'll be adding some new areas (including areas made by others), so it'll probably be best to figure out what those areas will be first, and only then start composing music that fit their themes. — {EspyoT} 13:59, 24 October 2021 (UTC)
Wait, you can add Bulbmin without Puffmin? (Unless puffstool and co already exist and I don't know about it in which case I'm dumb.) Still an amazing update! Can't wait to see what's next! User:Cyan piklord 64/sig
Hehe, I guess you can. Nah, I went without Puffmin because they're basically like normal Pikmin, except in an altered state. As opposed to a new species of Pikmin. Some parts of their behavior can be easy to implement, but others are deceptively tricky. So in order to get things going, I decided to just release 0.21 without them. I can always add them later. — {EspyoT} 13:59, 24 October 2021 (UTC)

Version 0.21.1

Version 0.21.1 is out! This fixes two glitches involving Pikmin attacking enemies, and also fixes the manual when viewed under Chrome. These glitches were a bit annoying, so please make sure to download this version. — {EspyoT} 19:41, 5 November 2021 (UTC)

Sorry, but the zip for Pikifen 0.21.1 had some issues. I've updated the zip file, so please re-download it. Thanks! — {EspyoT} 20:13, 6 November 2021 (UTC)

Version 0.22.0

Pikifen 0.22 is out! This version is all about polish – lots of small graphical tweaks across the board. In addition, there is now also a help page in the pause menu, which allows players to read up on fundamental gameplay topics, and even learn some tips! As usual, the full changelog can be found in the included manual. Download version 0.22 here! — {EspyoT} 22:12, 5 July 2022 (UTC)

Version 0.23.0

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! To celebrate, I'm releasing Pikifen 0.23!

I'm excited for this version since it adds missions! Before, you could make areas in the engine and play around, but there was no real objective anywhere, so it was easy to get bored.

But with mission areas, the player must achieve some goal, typically with some constraints, and probably get a final score at the end based on how well they did. These completions and scores are even saved, alongside a new feature, the lifetime statistics (how many Pikmin you've thrown, how long you've been playing for, and more). With this, as well as some area editor quality-of-life features and tweaks, making areas in Pikifen and actually playing just got a whole lot more engaging!

Other highlights include many menus being revamped, mostly to fit the new mission logic, some miscellaneous content making tweaks, and the addition of a GUI editor. As usual, the full changelog can be found in the included manual.

Download 0.23 here!{EspyoT} 15:23, 25 December 2022 (UTC)

Version 0.23.1

Pikifen 0.23.1 is out! This version fixes a number of bugs. It also breaks compatibility with the mission records and statistics files. The full changelog can be found in the included manual. Download 0.23.1 here!{EspyoT} 16:59, 1 January 2023 (UTC)