Squack egg

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 03:17, 7 October 2022 by Jody (talk | contribs)

A squack egg is a special obstacle appearing in Pikmin: Rise of the Plantae. They are large, nondescript eggs that are the size of and often contain a squack but may also have other contents. A squack egg will hatch and reveal its contents when its health is reduced to one-half to one-third. Squack eggs that contain a squack will often hatch into a random species, although the chances of which species it will be are unbalanced and are dependent on hazards present in the cave they are in. The chances are as follows: thirty-three percent for a Fiery Squack, a Watery Squack having the same chances, twenty percent for a Toxic Squack, ten percent for a Goopy Squack, three percent for an Aggressive Squack, and lastly, one percent for an Acidic Squack. In some cases, such as on sublevel two of Squack Cavern, squack eggs that contain a squack always contain a specific species. Sometimes, squack eggs may contain a massive quantity of nectar, in the form of a Nectar Goolix, or a helpless, harmless squack that can not kill Pikmin and may be used to increase the Pikmin population.

The optimal tactic to dealing with a squack egg is to swarm it with Pikmin, retreating when the egg begins to wobble, shake, and crack open. If it contains a squack, be sure to not allow Pikmin to chase after it and inadvertently run into a hazard. When the time is right, defeat it with the usual strategies against it. If the egg instead contains a Nectar Goolix, defeat it to gain immense rewards.