Bristly Tackgrowth

Bristly Tackgrowth
Family Spurtcluster

The Bristly Tackgrowth is a species of spurtcluster that protects itself by using the giant spiky thorn on its body.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Bristly Tackgrowth.

In Pikmin: Shipwrecked Stargazers

Pikmin Shipwrecked Stargazers icon.png
Shipwrecked Stargazers
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Shipwrecked Stargazers, a fanon game created by CarrotStilts1.
Pikmin Shipwrecked Stargazers icon.png
Bristly Tackgrowth The icon used to represent this plant.
Bristly Tackgrowth.png
Scientific name Malimusco togecapilius
Family Spurtcluster
Areas Creature's Quay
Challenge Mode stages Autummal Undergrowth

The Bristly Tackgrowth is an obstructive plant in Pikmin: Shipwrecked Stargazers. This squat, repulsive organism is green and shaped like a tree stump, with white hairs growing on its outer flesh. The top half bears purple and pink inner flesh, with a giant, dull brown thorn sticking out from it. Growing in clusters like Spotcaps, Bristly Tackgrowths clog passageways that are often necessary to progress.

Throwing most Pikmin directly at the plant often causes them to be impaled by its giant thorn, instantly killing them. Trying to attack the sides is also ineffective, as the urticating hairs on it will agitate Pikmin, causing them panic. The plant is also too hardy for leaders to punch, so the solution to clearing patches of this plant is Rock Pikmin. If a Rock Pikmin is thrown directly at the thorn, it will be pushed into the plant, causing the plant to bulge and, soon after, burst, harmlessly splattering a translucent, green ooze and scattering mist. The Rock Pikmin will bound off of the plant in a random direction, often causing them to inadvertently destroy other Bristly Tackgrowths in the group.


Olimar's notes

This nonvascular plant hides a sweet, syrupy dew within itself. As one could expect, it's practically high-class confectionery amongst herbivorous organisms. In order to protect its contents, the plant has urticating bristles, which can lead to very painful rashes that could last for months due to the barbs on them. Also of note is its massive thorn, which must make it very scary for particularly large organisms. There must be at least one incident involving an arachnorb or amphituber stepping or landing on this malevolent plant.

Louie's notes

Separate the inner flesh from the irritating outer layer, and remove the deathly large thorn. Congratulations, you now have access to one of the most saccharine fruits of PNF-404! Enjoy it in ice cream, smoothies, and whatnot. Also make sure you make good use of the delicious dew, which makes for a sweet glaze.

Ship's comments

If the inside parts of this plant are edible, does that mean a society could sustain itself off of this? Nah, too many itchy hairs.