Purple Deadnettle

From Pikmin Fanon
Purple Deadnettle
Family Lamiaceae

The Purple Deadnettle is a thick and dense plant that leaders and Pikmin can become trapped in.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of Purple Deadnettle.

In Pikmin: Elements and Pikmin: Scavenge

Pikmin: Elements
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Elements, a fanon game created by Ek1047.
Pikmin: Scavenge
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Scavenge, a fanon game created by Ek1047.
Purple Deadnettle The icon used to represent this plant.
Purple Deadnettle.png
Scientific name Lamium purpureum
Family Lamiaceae

The Purple Deadnettle is a plant appearing in grassy areas. It is possible to get stuck in this plant, since it is so thick. They appear as flora in Pikmin: Elements and Pikmin: Scavenge.


Olimar's notes

Further research reveals that this is a green, not a weed. Though invasive, it doesn't seem to take all of the nutrients from plants. Though able to steal nutrients from any plant, these specimens only last in the summer. Other specimens in the same family are actually native mints from planets like Nijo and Koppai. Very strange. I guess they form naturally from grass. How else would they migrate across planets?

Louie's notes

Though assumed sweet from the nectar from other plants, it tastes exactly like spinach. Good in a genuine yellow pesto. For a refreshing nettle-ade, squeeze the leaves or put them into a blender, add a sour fruit of your choice, and of course, some sugar.

Dell's observations

When picked, it smells awful. but I guess I can give it credit for how beautiful it is. It also seems that the pink buds will never bloom. I wonder what they would like. I'm starting to think this plant is a bush. It is easy to see how.